
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Worst Give Away Ever

Shirt, NY & Co. Skirt, vintage, thrifted, shortened, and embellished. Necklace, Zad. Ring, Jan Michaels San Francisco. Brass bangle, World Market. Wooden bangle, swap. Sandals, Franco Sarto. Bag, MCI (thrifted).

This outfit was inspired by a how-to in the May 2009 Lucky:

My skirt used to be the length of Lucky’s dirndl skirt, but I shortened it.

Back in April, I offered to give this skirt to an interested reader. A few people left comments, here and on flickr, expressing interest. And then I never followed through.

Truly. The. Worst. Give away. Ever.

I’m going to try again. You have one more chance to leave a comment. In a week, I’ll draw names from this post and April’s. I hope to redeem myself.


  1. really? you're giving away this skirt? but it's so cute on you!!! don't get me wrong, i'm one of many whom i'm sure would just love to have this skirt! that's very generous of you!

  2. I agree with eednic, it looks cute on you!

  3. I AM giving it away. I'm short-waisted and this sits at my natural waist. That's all fine until I sit down and the waistband is digging into my ribs! It just isn't comfortable on me.

  4. I'm so glad to hear that you're following through! I think it's really admirable that you're sticking to your word, and I'm excited to have a chance about winning. :)

    I've been a casual lurker on this blog for a while now, and your style is always refreshing and inspirational. Keep up the good work!


  5. Definitely count me in too! I love this skirt!! Thanks =)


  6. I love the color combo and the embelishment on the skirt!

  7. I would love it! Count me in as well :D

  8. I have been watching your blog for a little over a year now and your outfits have inspired me A LOT. I have MANY of the same pieces and GORGEOUS shoes as you, I just was never really sure how to put them together to look polished and stand out. Your blog has reinvented my wardrobe. Count me in for the skirt. Thanks for all the inspiration!

  9. oooh i love love love!! stumbled across your website and i love it, just wish i was as creative and daring with my own wardrobe.

  10. Absolutely fantastic skirt!

    If you are, then I am interested, always looking for cute and airy skirts for summers in the midwest!

  11. I will happily steal that skirt right off ya, it's cute and a great color.

  12. Um, count me in!
    I love the pom poms.

  13. I am skirt mad and would love another one to pop in my wardrobe... is this giveaway open to us Brits?, I know postage is a nightmare ususally, so don't expect so. 'crying face' x

  14. The skirt is light - so it's open to anyone on planet Earth!

  15. Oooh I'd love this skirt! Thanks for the giveaway!!!


  16. very cute! I'd love to be entered!

  17. That skirt is so pretty! you can count me in too :) Love it!

  18. Anonymous8:11 PM

    I'm in! love your blog.

  19. Anonymous8:12 PM

    LOL - i did wonder about that! i left you a comment back then, but i'm leaving it again :)

  20. Crossing fingers. XXX

  21. Ooooh! i would STILL Love this skirt and i am STILL LOOOOONG waisted and would Love love it! thanks for posting - i enjoy it each day!!!
    Ezmerelda said...
    Being LOOOOOOONG Waisted i would Adore it! I see i am late on the commments though....the little balls are a looks lovely on you though! :) Liz from Savannah

    7:35 AM

  22. Count me in! I LOVE this skirt!

  23. Do I still have a chance? Well I hope so!

  24. Still have a chance. Drawing now!


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