
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Style Bite

Freshman year of college, one of my suitemates was Hawaiian. She introduced me to a number of colorful pidgin terms. The only one I still use is “biter.” In Hawaiian pidgin, to “bite” is to copy, imitate, or emulate. The way I understand it, it’s a pejorative term.

Still, I proudly declare myself a biter today. I’ve bitten Sara M’s look from Tuesday: a navy, polka-dotted blouse bracketed by a black skirt and black sweater. I wore red flats, though, instead of black.

Blouse and necklace, Forever 21. Shrug, INC. Skirt, Mossimo. Bag, Deux Lux. Flats, NY & Co. Sunnies, Girl Props. Studded choker worn as a bracelet, thrifted.

Let’s be honest. I copy Sara M all the time. This is the first time I’ve been quite so blatant about it, but I’ve been enamored with her edgy style since I discovered her blog last fall. She’s one of my Rock and Roll muses. I hope she doesn’t mind me biting her style.


  1. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I remember calling people biters back in grade school! Love your take on Sara's ensemble, especially that fab necklace.

  2. I just "discovered" your your style! You can never go wrong with polka dots, even if they're "bitten" :)

  3. Very cute - I like the polka dots.

    Is that some sort of Mondrian-inspired trash unit behind you?

  4. It's a planter of some kind. I'm at the warehouse for the Cincinnati Garden Show.

  5. I like the outfit alot.

    I hail from Colorado and we said biter all the time...i didn't know it was Hawaiian - thought it was west coast surfer slang!

  6. Its an owl lot and I thought of you!

  7. I get excited whenever I wear something similar to you - I'm wearing dots today too.
    Why yes I DO lead a very exciting life, why do you ask?

  8. What type of cami are you wearing underneath the top? I like how you are not wearing a black top underneath it yet you are not exposing anything! I always have a hard time finding stuff to wear underneath sheer tops.

  9. Love this! You look so posh and chic!

  10. BudgetPretty - you're not going to like this....but I'm not wearing a cami at all. I'm wearing a flesh-toned bra. I didn't think the bra was visible, but the flash brought it out, so the pics were taken with no flash. It was evidently visible in direct sunlight too. Doh! Good thing I wore a shrug most of the day.

    In the past, I've worn a flesh-colored cami under sheer blouses (including this one). I bought mine at Charlotte Russe, but I imagine you can find them other places as well.


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