
Thursday, March 04, 2010

WCC Year 3, Spring: Day 4

By now you may have noticed a subtle color palette to the capsule. I incorporated pale spring shades (cream, light gray, aqua, soft coral, pale green, lavender, chambray blue), grounded by navy.

Pearl-button cardigan, Moda International. Knit shell, Cherokee. Chambray dress, Walmart. Slippers, gift.

I stayed home sick today, which explains the slippers. If I had gone to work, I planned to wear the pumps from Tuesday. Instead, I spent an accessory allotment on fuzzy slippers.

Today, I’m wearing yesterday’s knit shell.

Clothing Items (3 of 10)
8. Knit shell
9. Chambray dress
10. Pearl-button cardigan

Accessories (2 of 5)
1. Tote (not pictured)
4. Fuzzy slippers

I have one accessory left for tomorrow and no more clothing items. That could make for an interesting outfit.


  1. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Hope you're on the mend now, lady! Belting the dress over the knit shell is sheer brilliance.

  2. What fun to guess what Friday's outfit will be! (This contest should be a part of all limited-wardrobe challeges.) I'm guessing the chambray dress, tights and booties from Wed, and the bracelet from Tuesday, and, of course, the non-pictured tote. :)

  3. Even when you fly by the seat of your skirt you still manage to do a fantastic job. Get Well soon.

  4. I tried belting a cardi with the belt dress the same way and it looked no where near as cute~! Must have been the fabric I was working with, love this combo.
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  5. I love the belt over the shell look, it makes the whole outfit seem to much more pulled together.

  6. This is such an awesome Spring outfit. The colors are perfect together. :)

  7. This is my fave from this week.... great colors.
    Like the detail of the tie on top of the shell.

  8. Love how you belted over the shell! It makes the colors pop even more.

  9. Cute! Hope you feel better soon.

  10. I wish I made that much effort when home being sick!

  11. Does your Moda int'l stuff come from Victoria's Secret? I have a few things from there with that brand. I don't find that those items hold up very well, but they are very cheap and stylish.

    I can't believe you took those photos when home sick. You look so chipper! Best wishes for a fast recovery. :)

    I'm a new reader, and I really enjoy your blog!!

  12. look cute when you're home sick!

  13. I wish I looked that good when I was sick! Brilliant to belt the shell over the dress like that!

  14. This color palette is so lovely. I hope you're feeling better!

  15. I like your skirt! It is very sexy looking in a classy and conservative way. I think that it also shows off you beautiful legs! :-)


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