
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Black or Navy?

I spend a lot of time* staring at this dress...trying to determine if it is black or navy. I usually lean towards navy (perhaps blue-black?). This sweater is definitely navy and the dress seems to match…but I’m still not sure.

Dress, thrifted, shortened, and embellished. Sweater, The Limited. Shoes, Two Lips. Bracelets, Girl Props.

*I need a new hobby.


  1. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Clothes that you can't tell whether they're black or navy are truly mystifying. I have one shirt that I swear changes its mind as it sits in my closet, so it looks different every time I take it out to wear.

  2. I can't tell if it's black or blue either...but they do seem to match!

    The navy/black debate is one that I have quite frequently with lots of clothing. Well, not WITH clothing. It's not like they argue with me or anything...

    So...perhaps I need a new hobby too.

  3. I think it may be blue-black like you mentioned. I can tell a slight difference between the sweater and dress, but I think it's so minimal that most people won't be able to notice.

  4. It looks black in the photo, but I think that could be due to the type of fabric. It is so hard to tell sometimes! I have a pair of pants that I somtimes look black and sometimes look navy. I usually tell myself they're navy so I can wear them with brown shoes more easily.

  5. Very pretty :)
    This color suits you marvelously.
    When I come across that dilemma I do what you did.
    FInd a garment that I KNOW the color and compare...

  6. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Regardless, they look great together!

  7. LOVE the shoes.

    But then I love just about all shoes that come from Two Lips :)

  8. To me, the sweater looks Charcoal. Yet the dress doesn't. It's such a personal eye interpretation thing! I wouldn't define either as navy though.

  9. I love your footnote - LOL!

    BTW - whether black or blue, this outfit works!

  10. It looks blue to me - there are very few true black dyes out there (most black dye is actually a dark green, blue or purple - you notice that when they start to fade).

    Love the shoes. And your hair - it's getting so long! Love it!

  11. I think that it is a black that has a blue in it. you know how blacks usually have a colour base to them and as they fade we can see it. Having spent years wearing all black and watching them all fade to different tones I would say this lovely dress is black. Looks great with the sweater and as always your shoes!!


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