
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Button-Head Girl

I feel like there should be a They Might Be Giants Song about me. It would be similar to Particle Man. I’d be Button-Head Girl.

Blouse, Forever 21. Dress, City Triangles (swap). Shoes, Gianni Bini (hand-me-down from Londyn). Belt, Mimi di N (thrifted). Headband, The Crafty Chemist. Earrings, Target. Bag, vintage.

I haven’t gotten any further than a song title, but you can leave lyrics in the comments, if you like.


  1. Button-head girl, button-head girl
    Entertains the world with a quick little twirl...

    That's all I've got.

  2. something with swirl... love the headband

  3. I have no lyrics, but I am so in love with the headband. I may have to make one for myself this weekend.

  4. i always like this dress, it's one of my favorite among your other clothing items :)

    And that headband is gorgeous! And the vintage bag! a to-die for!

    Two Thousand Things

  5. Totally in love with the headband. I have to know how you get your hair to look so great with a headband! All I can do is shove it on my head and I just look dumb.

    I love all of those colors together, the brown, blue, it!

  6. Melissa - I pull the top part back with an elastic and pouf it before I add the headband. I think it still looks a bit insipid, but it's an improvement.

  7. I love the look of the gold buttons with your red hair, it's such a nice combination.

  8. Love, love, love the headband and I've lusted lustily over that bag since the first time you showed it. Beautiful outfit!

  9. I love your sheer shirt over the print of the dress. Very nice.

  10. Anonymous5:39 PM

    That headband is great. I really like the entire outfit.

  11. Kasmira, you are just so darn cute! I am loving your hair...great color and great cut look amazing!

  12. I swear I saw this in a magazine a month or so ago and FELL IN LOVE with it. Simply amazing!

  13. That is a flippin awesome headband!!!
    It's got my glue-gun and old buttons in a tizzy ;)
    A Song, Hmmm......

    Button Head Baby

    Button your blazer,
    Button your fly,
    Cause the Button Head Baby
    Is a-walkin' on by.

    She'll make your eyes "pop"
    With her hip "head top",
    So be forewarned,
    When she pops you in the eye.

    Button Head Baby,
    Pop my top,
    Button Head Baby,
    Never ever stop.

    You can finish the rest :)
    Could be a Big-Hair band anthem!

  14. Anonymous12:53 AM

    As always, you look smashing!

    But I must also comment on how beautiful your garden is -- I wish I could drag up a chair and a good book and just soak it all in.

    Thank you for providing me with fashion creativity and inspiration.


  15. Anonymous1:46 AM

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  16. Anonymous1:49 AM

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  17. Reva - perhaps you should pursue song-writing! This made my day.

  18. I ADORE your button barette :)


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