
Saturday, September 04, 2010

More Than Manure

I’m afraid my first impression of Wisconsin was rather smelly. But I suppose that’s to be expected when posing next to a bunch of manure.

Dress, Isaac Mizrahi for Target. Belt, Buckle. Shoes, Steve Madden. Bag, Express. Earrings, Claire’s.

Thankfully, the wind whipped away most of the smell (along with my curls).

Pictures done, Beefy and I headed to Madison. On the way, I reviewed the photos and joked that I might title this post: “Wisconsin Smells Like Poo.”

I regretted my hasty words when we reached magestic Lake Mendota.

Wisconsin, you are totally awesome and (mostly) don’t smell bad at all.

More Than Manure lake action

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. my (occasionally smelly) hometown! hope you enjoy your time there :)

  2. You look so cute in this outfit!

  3. I love the print on the dress! Madison is a great town. I hope you have a wonderful time!

  4. Love the dress and the grey accents;)

  5. Wisconsin rules! Be sure to try the cheese curds. :)

  6. Wisconsin isn't all smelly! If you were passing through the Milwaukee area I would have bought you a drink! It'd be really interesting to meet you in person.

  7. Loooove how all the shades of gray go so well together in this outfit. Lovely. :)

    Aww neat! I actually live in WI and I totally am with you on most towns smelling like poo. It's absolutely ridiculous.

  8. Nice dress....but I LOVE those shoes! Grey shoes will be so wonderful this fall & winter...I can think of a million ways to wear them.

    I love Wisconsin, such a pretty state. I lived in Indiana for 4 years and they were some of the best years of my life...mid-west living is fabulous!

    I'm ready for all the new fall fashions...I guess a shopping trip is in my near future! He he...

  9. I love love love this outfit. Love it.

  10. Love how feminine everything looks against the industrial back-drop.

  11. CindyinSC - two of Beefy's friends married.


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