
Sunday, September 05, 2010


Cool things in Wisconsin: cheese curds, sunflowers, and The House on the Rock. I took one picture of the cheese curds (they DO squeak when you chew them) and 67 of the house. Here are six pictures in the sunflowers:

Vest, McGregor (thrifted). Dress, Jams World (thrifted). Jeggings, Mossimo. Boots, Dan Post. Earrings, vintage.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. excellent dress!

  2. Anonymous8:33 AM

    I LOOOVE the House on the Rock. I just went there last month, but I have been a few times since I grew up in the area. Doesn't it just blow your mind???

  3. You are so close! I'm just a hop, skip and a jump next door in the Twin Cities! I hope you two had a blast in WI. Did you take pictures of the large fake animals they have everywhere? There's even a giant pink elephant wearing glasses. Naturally.

  4. i grew up in WI. I love it, and The House on the Rock is so MUCH FUN! I have been there 5 times. haha!

  5. DUDE, I just gave you one of the blog awards, I received one, and am paying it forward.. love your blog and am a regular reader...
    come by and see.

  6. Nothing gets my allergies going like a trip to House on the Rock. Mold and Mildew galore. Did you take a side trip to Don Q Inn? Check it out.

  7. I missed the Don Q Inn. I'll have to return to the area for that and other attractions we didn't have time for. One day of sight-seeing was not enough!

  8. Allergies indeed. It was a veritable festival of sneezing.


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