
Monday, January 03, 2011

Knit Bottom

I love Beefy’s family almost as much as I love Beefy. His sister is especially adorable. And she gave me this knit skirt and suede belt for Christmas.

Sweater, Mossimo (thrifted). Tee, Target. Skirt and belt, gift. Leggings, J.W. Clogs, Kors by Michael Kors (thrifted).

The neatest thing about this skirt is that it can also be worn high on the waist or over the bust (as a mini-dress). I’m looking forward to future outfit possibilities.

Thanks, Briana!


  1. I love that skirt! What an amazingly great gift! The knit pattern is just so super cool and I love how you combined it with the two-toned greys in the sweater and shirt. The feathery detail on the shirt picks up the awesome feathery earrings... it's just well-thought-out, classic looking and cozy all in one!

  2. Wow, that skirt/dress is so cute. I love a piece that does double duty!

  3. What a great gift. That skirt is very cute. I love the whole outfit and you look terrific in it.

  4. Very cute! That skirt is great!

  5. What a terrific skirt. Looks great!


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