
Thursday, March 03, 2011


Beefy saw my outfit this morning and asked, “Why are you wearing pants?” He hadn’t seen me wear trousers to work in so long that he was convinced there must be a compelling reason.

I got to the office and my coworker asked me the same question. We’ve worked together since August and he’s never seen me wear pants.

So, just how long has it been since I wore pants to work? A year and a day.

Sheer top, Mossimo. Striped tee, Jones New York (thrifted). Pants, Forever 21. Scarf, Old Navy. Booties, Madden Girl. Bag, Liz Clairborne.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho

I wore (these same) pants to work on March 2, 2010. It’s been awhile. What can I say? I just don’t like pants.


  1. Wow, over a year since you've worn pants to work?? That is dedication to skirts and dresses right there! I think you look great either way!

  2. Wow! That is quite an accomplishment! Forgive me since I'm fairly new to your blog, but was this a challenge you set for yourself?

    Also, love the yellow and green pops in this outfit AND your genius use of a sheer top. I'm never sure how people are meant to wear those, and I love what you've done here. Thanks for the inspiration!


  3. Love the pop of colour with the scarf! The green and yellow also look great against your hair!

  4. L - I wasn't on a pants-less challenge, I just tend to avoid them. They never fit me right and I find them generally uncomfortable.

  5. Love that green bag! I've been trying to avoid purchases this year but a new pop of color like that will do wonders to my wardrobe!

  6. Wow, you wear pants even less than I do! I think I wear them about 4 times a year, and I always get comments like that.

    I love the patterns and colours in this. The green and yellow is nice and Spring-y.

  7. Even though you are cute as a button either way, I think you look better in skirts, too. Maybe because you can't do fun funky things with tights and I can't see your shoes??

    Love the green with the black and white!

  8. I think they look great on you. I love pants. I wear them too much. I'm trying to wear more skirts this year.
    My Heart Blogged

  9. Bluesgirl6:17 PM

    I agree, the sheer top over the striped shirt is truly inspired. I shy away from sheers because the "sheer over a camisole" concept always seems way too casual/bedroom for work wear. The pants look great on you and the look gives off a very April-in-Paris feel. Well done.

  10. I really, really love this outfit. Classy and sassy :)

  11. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Girl, I knew there was a reason I loved your blog! I don't care for pants either - it is so hard for me to find a good fit. People always wonder why I'm "dressed up" because we all know dress/skirt = dressed up to most folks. Hahahaha

    Anywho, you look fab - as usual!


  12. An entire year ! WOW congrats...
    I adore, adore, adore this look - the green accents with the striped top and wonderful fitting pants.

  13. I was especially drawn to this post because I too rarely wear pants, especially to work! I wear skirts and dresses so much that when I wore a pair of colored jeans on a Friday, people were like, you own jeans?! I've always thought it was weird the way most people equate wearing a dress or skirt to being "dressed up." I mean, you can be casual in a dress or skirt. But enough of this rant. I really love the scarf you're wearing here! So citrusy, with the yellow and green :)

  14. They look great on you, in spite of your dislike for them! I think the sheer top over the stripes is great, and the scarf delightful. Plus, I really like what red hair does for your complexion!

  15. I'm anti-pant, too.
    Though I like how you've styled these!

  16. I love it!! That's so fun that you went that long :)

    If you ever decide to like pants, they look great on you too!


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