
Friday, July 29, 2011

Crazy Chiquita

If people didn’t already think I looked like a crazy woman, talking on a banana phone probably clinched it.

Shirt, Wet Seal. Skirt, Leslie Faye (thrifted). Belt, came with a dress. Shoes, Gianni Bini. Bracelets, Claire’s, Target, and Garden of the Gods gift shop. Bag, Nicole Lee. Earrings, Julie’s Inspiration. Ring, vintage.

Beefy saw my outfit this morning and could only say, “Wow.” Later that day, I pulled this banana out of my purse and began having a conversation. That left him totally speechless. I’m guess I’m lucky that he likes crazy ladies.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. Anonymous1:29 AM

    Love, love border prints. You amaze me with your ability to wear buffalo plaid with the skirt. Great job.

  2. Only a crazy lass could get away with mixing those colours and patterns and still look cool!

  3. Nice look. Great mix of prints!

  4. That skirt is phenomenal! I admire your courage to mix with such boldness.

  5. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Great. Now I'm gonna have "ring ring ring ring ring ring ring BANANA PHONE!" stuck in my head all day!

  6. Very stunning print mixing, beautifully done! I've seen that maker's skirt in the stores but I've never seen it looking so good!

  7. LOL! "Pulled this banana out of my purse . . ." not a normal sentence, I love it! Beautiful skirt.

  8. Digging the shoes and the random banana. Randomness is awesome.

  9. "Is that a banana in your purse or are you just happy to see me?"
    Points to anyone who knows the origin of that quote...extra points if you know who said it!

  10. Hi! great outfit as usual but you know what i like you in best; totally crazy or totally classic- food for thoughts!

    Ciao Ariane

  11. This totally made me laugh, b/c the ringtone on my phone is Banana Phone. LOL

  12. Hee, I always use the banana phone!

    Love the checks with the more organic print of the skirt! You are the Mistress of Pattern Mixing, Kasmira!


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