
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Worm Love

I was vegan for a year*, but not a super strict vegan. I ate candy containing gelatin, I occasionally used honey, and I wore silk. I knew that the gelatin and honey (and leather) were off limits, but had no idea that silk worms also needed my sympathy.

Today, I’m mostly vegetarian. (You know, vegetarian except for that corned beef brisket I cooked last weekend.) I’m afraid I do buy and wear leather. But at least today’s silk was all secondhand.

Free the worms!

Silk shirt, INC (cut from a swapped dress). Silk and linen skirt, Travis Ayers (thrifted). Shoes, Wild Diva. Bag, Nicole Lee. Cuff, Target. Bracelets, Fort.

I guess you could also say that today's bag and shoes are "vegan," aka "plastic."

Photos by Beefy Muchacho

*I had to quit the vegan diet when I entered the Marines. I simply couldn't get the nutrition I needed in that situation without consuming animal products.


  1. Hahaha. Oh boy I do not miss being vegan! =) Love the bright shoes and bag, and hooray for real leather!

  2. Gorgeous color combination! I'm a vegetarian for my diet, but I still wear leather shoes, and I don't judge! You look great.

  3. ooooo Tealive again. Nice choice.

  4. I support the vegan diet wholeheartedly (one of my best childhood friends was vegan), but I don't support vegan fashion. Mainly because it takes more resources to make those clothes and most vegan kids don't know about "quality" clothing. A lot of it tends to fall apart, I've noticed.


    Once absolute lust with your shoes.

  5. Don't ya just love silk!
    ( i am trying to figure out where you are today ;)
    The arbitorium?
    I don't recall those cool stairs!
    I love your new lens!

  6. I love the colours of the outfit, especially the purse and your heels are to die for. Lovely lovely lovely!

  7. I love your blue shoes! The colors you used are stunning and very complimentary !

  8. Reva - we're at Eden Park, below the reservoir. I'm standing on the rubble of the old reservoir wall. I call it The Bridge to Nowhere because it kind of looks like the beginning of a torn-down bridge.

  9. a roommate in NYC was a very strict vegan. we stopped at a vintage place in SoHo one Saturday, and I bought an old leather jacket. He said he liked it, but he could never wear it because it was leather.

    "Come on," I said, "This jacket is older than either of us. That cow would have died of natural causes a long time ago..."


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