
Friday, September 09, 2011

Dirty Water

Usually, on business trips, I’m stuck taking my outfit photos in my room, with varying degrees of success. Today marks the first time I ventured outside, alone, armed with a tripod and remote, to take my outfit photo in a strange city.

Blazer, Forever 21 (embellished). Dress, London Times (shortened hand-me-down). Scarf, thrifted. Shoes, Two Lips. Bag, Mossimo. Cuff, Pangaea. Earrings, Julie’s Inspiration.

Behind me is part of the Boston skyline, shrouded in low clouds.

I’m on the roof of the Wang YMCA of Chinatown. I had the whole thing to myself, so I really wasn’t quite as daring as I’ve made myself out to be.


  1. I can't believe you took that picture yourself! Great job. I also really love that bangle.

  2. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Those are lovely! You certainly do give Beefy a run for his money in the mad photo skills department.

    Welcome to the North East, I hope that my neck of the woods treats you kindly. We New England folks are not nearly are scary as we are made out to be :)

  3. nice! the photos turned out great!

  4. Great outfit! Love the colors and the shoes.

    Say hi to Boston for me--I lived there for a year while my husband went to graduate school. Hoping to go back to visit next summer!

  5. Beautiful outfit. The jacket, dress and shoes matches so well.

  6. Wow. Am loving this outfit! Georgeous colours. The photos are pretty good too!


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