
Friday, September 09, 2011


Business travel can be so, well, businessy. I often don’t see more of my travel destinations than the airport, hotel, and a restaurant or two. After a few years of trips like that, I resolved to start adding at least one personal element to each trip.

When I visited Minneapolis last December, I met up with the Cheap Chick. I was in Seattle in April and spent time with two old friends. In June, following a meeting in Atlanta, Beefy met me and we saw Rock City, Stone Mountain, and the Georgia Aquarium. When a business trip to Boston was planned, I knew exactly what my “something extra” would be: meeting Hillary of by hillary.

Jacket, Dex (swap). Dress, London Times (shortened hand-me-down). Belt, H&M. Scarf, thrifted. Boots, Miz Mooz. Bag, Mossimo. Cuff, Pangaea. Earrings, Julie’s Inspiration. Brooches, swapped, vintage, and self-made.

I was a leeeeetle excited to meet Hillary (and her husband, Dave).

I’ve been reading Hillary’s blog for years, after first “meeting” her through Wardrobe Remix. After following a blog for so long, you get a good sense of a person’s personality. Hillary was just as sweet and quirky in person as she is on her blog. It was so wonderful to add all the elements of her in-person presence to her written self. The best way I can describe meshing the on-line and real-life Hillarys is that it was like Hillary squared. And she was utterly delightful.

She brought me a cupcake and dressed in a quintessential Hillary manner. We talked about cats and makeup and blogging and photography and living in Boston. I wish I had asked to see her collection of Hello Kitty charms…but I think that’s the only topic we missed.

Photo by Dave

Hillary, it was so great to meet you! Next time, I’ll bring you a can of Cincinnati’s Skyline chili.


  1. Sounds like you made the best of your trip. That is awesome. Blogging has so many benefits.

    Put me down for when you are in Atlanta. Hopefully you can come back soon.


  2. Dude without embarassing myself with excessive gushing I can't tell you how great it was to meet you. I was sad when you left because I wanted to kidnap you and move you to Boston.

  3. It sounds wonderful! I would love to meet other bloggers, but college is keeping me hopping. Maybe in a few years!

  4. When I saw the title of you post, I was hoping it was going to be the Hilary of "by Hilary" fame.

    It sounded like a whole lot of fun!

  5. How cool! I love Hillary and her blog. So awesome that you too got to hang out. Love your purple and green outfit.

  6. How fun. I follow Hillary too. Aren't her eyes like the greenest you have ever seen. I imagine they are much more so in person.

  7. OMG !
    How exciting !!!
    I have been reading you and Hillary for a few years now so it's really cool to see you "starring" in the same post.


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