
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Closet Circulation - Boring, but Warm

2006 and 2011 Kasmira agree; this outfit is boring. But 2011 Kasmira would have found a way to jazz this up. I’d prove it to you, except that most of the items are long gone.


Necklace, Newport News - this classic is still one of my favorites. Someone once left me a comment advising me to get rid of “that grandma necklace.” Little did they know that grandmothers are one of my style icons.


Chenille sweater, INC – warm, but unflattering.
Flannel trousers, Express – also, warm, but unflattering.


  1. I really love these flashback posts! Are you going to do them all year?

  2. I like that idea of releasing the inner grandma & wearing whatever one wants. Gotta remember that one. :-)


  3. Sheila- I'm just doing this for the month of Oct. Almost done!

  4. I like granny styles too - and I agree with you, the
    pants and sweater do not do you justice :)

  5. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Strange...I was just looking through your old 2006 posts yesterday and you posted this today! Anyway, I think the sweater is cute but the pants look too big for you.

    Coincidentally, I joke with my friends that if I had a fashion magazine, I'd call it "Modern Grandma" being inspired by vintage styles. Nothing wrong with being covered up but stylish at the same time!

  6. That's not a grandma necklace! I would totally wear it. Not to contradict myself, but I really enjoyed your Glam Gram post link; I too think about how my outfits will grow even more eccentric as I age :)


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