
Thursday, February 09, 2012

Heal Thy Head

I have to recognize life’s breaks as I get them. Today, I had to work from home because we had contractors working on the bathroom. I could have been cranky about the situation. I had no toilet. I couldn’t run at lunch because I had no shower. I was stuck at home all day. Instead, I looked at it as a break from my usual routine. My body got a chance to recover from my regular workouts. I ate a really good lunch (fancy greens topped with tuna salad and shoyu egg). I played my music with no headphones. The kitties took turns cuddling in my lap (and on my keyboard). I drank all the coffee I wanted. And I worked around the bathroom situation.

Cardigan, Banana Republic (thrifted and gifted). Tunic, Wet Seal (thrifted). Shirt, FY2 (thrifted). Jeggings, Mossimo. Moccasins, Minnetonka (gift). Bag, Fossil (gift). Earrings and ring, vintage.

By the time I went to rehearsal, I was feeling well rested and ready to interact with people. Bonus: we had birthday cake at our break!

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. Totally positive spin on no shower :) love the mix of textures you've got going on here!

  2. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I love that jacket :) I had a work at home day today too, though unfortunately my cats were less keen on the lap, more on the paper on my desk I was working with...

  3. Love the sweater and moccasins! I'd hate being without my bathroom. Hope yours is back in order asap!

  4. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Love the outfit!! you look cute just hanging out at home!!

  5. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Um...what does "worked around the bathroom situation" mean exactly?

  6. You look great! I love that tunic in particular and how you paired it with that jacket.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Anon - there were options! But I won't discuss them here. ;)

  9. Cute! I like all the neutral patterns mixed together. :)



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