
Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Puppy Love

I’m a cat lady, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like dogs. In fact, Beefy and I have big plans to get a puppy. But we can’t be as willy nilly about adopting a dog as we are about adding cats to the household. We’ve been researching breeds for months and just spent $6000 on a fence. When we finally do get our puppy, we’ll have to completely alter our lifestyle, to include curtailing theater activities and reworking my fitness routine. But I think it will all be worth it for puppy love.

Jacket, H&M (thrifted). Turtleneck, Old Navy. Sweater tunic, Urban Behavior (thrifted). Leggings, Xhilaration. Boots, Vince Camuto. Cookie, Take the Cake.

Unfortunately, you won't be seeing puppy photos for at least seven months, if not more. We are scheduling around some other major life events. But good things are worth waiting for.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. Rescue pup! we got our catahoula mix from a gas-kill shelter through a rescue group. he's was 12 weeks old then; now 3 years. it was a bit scary to have to basically buy him before we met him, but he is the sweetest boy & we're so glad we did. generally pet store pups have health issues & potentially come from puppy mills. especially those small breeds that are so popular. good luck!

  2. Nice outfit!
    I am a big dog fan!
    Hope to have one again in the future, because at this moment i have no time.

  3. I have two very special dearly-departed dogs in my past, but I will never be tied down like that again. I have 4 cats and get my dog fix by volunteering as a dog walker at my local shelter. My cats appreciate this! And $6000 - think of all the boots that would buy - or a fantastic Disney vacation. Sorry to be such a downer.

  4. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Adorable outfit--espeially the tights.
    We have 3 cats--who are much more attached to the hubster then me. We rescued two chihuahuas almost 3 years ago. I can't imagine my life today without Mr. Bill and KaeKae.

  5. AHmazing tights. I agree with the rescue post above, it's all I have and its the best thing I've done petwise!
    Marie @
    Lemondrop ViNtAge

  6. I'd also suggest a rescue dog. I imagine there are rescue organizations in your city. We have several here and the Humane Society. The independent rescue organizations usually try to match the dog to the person. For example, if you have cats, they make sure the dog likes cats. Or if you want a high energy dog they won't pair you with a dog that only wants to sleep all day. Also, older dogs are often better pets than puppies. Puppies are a LOT OF WORK. A little older dog has already been through the puppy stage and is at the point where they can become really great pets, not to mention that rescue dogs seem to be so happy to have a good home. We have been both places--had 4 puppies, but all the rest have bit at least a year old or older when we got them. There is nothing like the love of a dog. (I am not a cat person, my sister and mother both are.)

  7. Those tights are so cute.

    I'm glad you're anticipating getting a dog in such a responsibly manner. I know too many people who think getting a dog is just a flight of fancy. Cats are something you have to take care of, but dogs require a whole change to your life. Kudos for preparedness and I can't wait to see the pup you bring into your life!

  8. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Love the outfit but hmmm 7 months and other life events? You just put a fence in so you are not moving. Baby perhaps?

  9. "Other major life events" - are you getting married?

    Had to ask, even tho you might not answer. Love the tights, and the boots, and the stripes.

  10. SewOm, I was afraid people might think that! Nope, other big plans.

  11. No baby plans either. (Sorry, anon...I accidentally deleted your comment.)

  12. That would have been a really crazy way to tell me.

  13. Things don't have to be totally rearranged for a puppy. I am a small breed person and I recommend them for active people because they are so portable! I have 3 small dogs and they can all fit in one small pop up crate in the car--I can take them a lot of places (shhhh..) LOL.

  14. Small breeds are great dogs! But any pup is a good pup!

    Love the outfit, too! :-)

  15. My favorite tights of yours!!

  16. Anonymous4:24 PM

    I love the jacket and boots :)


  17. So exciting! I would love to add a dog or two to my menagerie of cats, but I haven't been willing to commit to the necessary lifestyle changes a dog would entail. Maybe someday.

  18. I am on my third dog....mid sized poodle. Yeah he runs my life, but he is smarter than I am, more athletic and has more friends. Oh yeah, he's cuter than I am too.


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