
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Neon Life

I did not groan when neon trended a few years ago; I didn’t get enough of it the first time around!

Shirt, Old Navy. Skirt, thrifted, vintage, shortened, and embellished. Shoes, Prabal Gurung for Target. Sunglasses, Girl Props. Necklace, Heart Boutique. Bag, Mondani. Swimsuit (pictured below), Speedo.

Although the trend is probably on its way out, I keep adding neon items to my wardrobe. My latest additions: this necklace and my new workout suit!*

*The swimsuit was a happy accident. I took a chance with Swim Outlet’s Speedo Endurance grab bag and got lucky. Last time, I got a dumb aloha print.


  1. Your matching fringe and necklace make me smile. :o)

    Remember back when those tan through swimsuits were cool? I bought a grab bag one and got lucky with a tiger print. :o)

  2. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I really like neon too, but was always scared to wear it! Weird, I know. You look great, and that swimsuit looks very fun!
    sp :)

  3. I have got some neon colours now ! and someone commented that they liked the pale tangerine in a top I have so that was quite interesting nice to have some fun :) x


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