
Friday, September 05, 2014


Outside of bellydancing classes, I haven’t wrapped a scarf around my hips since the 80’s. Maybe it’s time to bring the diagonal hip scarf back.

Dress, swap. Scarf, Frangi (consignment). Shoes, Enzo Angiolini. Sunglasses, Target. Earrings, vintage. Bag, Imoshion.


  1. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Looking especially amazing lately figure-wise! The whiskey-donut regime is obviously working! I only wish it worked for me.

  2. Anonymous11:51 AM

    That scarf does look good on you, oh ye of slender hips.

    Maybe I'll have to add some whiskey to my donut regime to see if that improves things for me. ;)


  3. I think the scarf would look good on anyone with a large hip to waist ratio. It really accentuates curves. :)

  4. My slim in the waist, wide in the hips, friend wears a scarf tied like this and she looks amazing. We all compliment her every time she wears it to church. :o) So I agree on the hip to waist ratio theory.

    I love how the earrings mimic the trim of the scarf.


  5. I absolutely love your look!

  6. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Hmmm. Maybe I'm too sensitive about the waist/hip ratio - I just usually feel like I'm drawing unnecessary attention to the largeness. I've got a longer scarf I could try this with, so maybe I'll be adventurous. Thanks for the input!



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