
Monday, March 02, 2015

Old Navy

Old Navy is mostly a miss for me. The styles are too basic (and the few interesting garments sell out quickly). The sizing is so erratic it seems almost arbitrary. Every so often, though, I find an interesting basic that fits, like this dress. And you can’t beat Old Navy’s prices - especially when there’s a sale and you use your Gap card.

Jacket, Bebe (consignment). Dress, Old Navy. Tights, Urban Outfitters. Shoes, Chelsea Crew. Sunglasses, Girlprops. Scarf, consignment. Bag, thrifted.

365 catchup:

My closet. Jasper on Sunday’s hike. Pearl, a service dog in training.


  1. Old Navy is a total miss for me - have never seen anything that's even remotely good quality there.

    Aw, lovely dogs. And I love seeing a glimpse of your closet! I have done my shoes like that too!

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Old Navy is a total miss for me too. Nothing I liked ever fit me right. Can't remember the last time I've even been in.

    Love the closet!!! So wish I had a walk-in!

    Pearl is adorable! Someone will have a great service dog!


  3. I agree, Old Navy can be hit and miss for me. I will say I love their jeans, dresses, and workout gear. Coats and sweaters are hit and miss. But you can't beat their prices!

  4. Wow the closet shot is so good ….
    and I can never find anything at Old Navy for me but am always surprised to compliment garments on other people and have them reply"Its Old Navy".

  5. Like Rachel above--I have pretty great success with their dresses and workout gear. I love their running capris and tights--I find that they hold up as well as my more expensive items. And I can't beat the price when they go 40-50% off (fairly regularly) They also have a surprisingly good accessories section!


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