
Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Raspberry Repeat

As I was driving to work this morning, I looked down at my outfit and thought, “Gee, this looks familiar.” It turns out that I wore almost this exact outfit last January. Don’t worry, I won’t repeat it a third time. I’m tired of taping this dress closed over my boobs. It’s going in the donation pile.

Blazer, BSB Jeans (thrifted). Dress, Theory. Boots, Audrey Brooke (consignment). Sunglasses, Meow Meow. Bag, Clark’s.

January 2014:

Details from today:

I hurried home after my calls to change and take Jackson to the vet. He did not appreciate getting his temperature taken. (But all is well. He has kennel cough, despite vaccination, but no fever.)

1 comment:

  1. maybe the kennel cough vac. is only 18% effective this year, like the flu shot :(


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