
Friday, September 11, 2015

Bad Breakfast

After bragging about my good breakfasts, I have to admit to falling off the wagon this week. I haven’t been to the grocery store in over a week and I’m still finding my groove after vacation. At least the bad breakfasts aren’t showing . . . yet.

Shirt, Forever 21. Shorts, Lassie. Shoes, Miss Me. Hat, Milani. Sunglasses and bag, Target. Tassel pendant, Epcot Morocco. Arrowhead pendants, thrifted.

Today’s breakfast was Donut Time. It was delicious.


  1. oh no the crazy shorts are back.....our office, along with other sage pronouncements, has a statement in the dress code: "no shorts of any kind" if they already expected some one would say "but these are DRESS shorts" or these are LONG shorts." Still, I saw a really nice pair of peach dress shorts in Marshall's that I liked and I exercised restraint and did not get them and I kind of regret it every day. :(

  2. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Hot Damn! Those legs! They do not reveal any donut damage, that's for sure!

  3. I wonder if culottes count as shorts.

  4. good Q Beefy... I have 2 "split skirts" ... you would never know they were not skirts, but I have not been wearing them during this reign of bosses! A related office has a code requiring that woman wear heels... guess they know more than all the podiatrists in the world :( They really hate denim too...


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