
Friday, January 08, 2016


Beefy says this jacket looks like couch fabric. I’d love to have a davenport upholstered in this autumnal, velvety, paisley pile. I’ve got old lady taste.

Jacket, BSB (thrifted). Blouse, BCBG Max Azria. Skirt, vintage, thrifted, shortened, and embellished. Tights, We Love Colors. Boots, Miz Mooz. Earrings, Charming Charlie. Bag, Steve Madden.

I’m not sure if this is an old person thing, but our fridge is chock full of things in brine. Witness four jars of pickles and six jars of olives:

Not pictured: a jar of capers and my homemade lebanese turnip pickles. I’m planning to make sauerkraut, next. Just like Beefy’s grandma. I bet she’d like this jacket.


  1. The combination of colours - the shades of red - are so effective in this outfit! Kx

  2. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Love the jacket! Looks great on you, but I bet it would look, and feel, super on a piece of furniture too.

    We've got old people taste too. My husband made lots of different pickles this year, and there's a jar of something in the fridge in brine right now that I'm afraid to ask him what it is!


  3. Fab, fab, fab jacket. Please keep me in mind if you ever tire of it - although, how could you?

    Anna's Island Style

  4. something about the "ball" trim on the skirt makes me think of saloon.... remember your "old tyme" posed photos? I can kind of see you in most of this outfit at the saloon in Bonaza or Gunsmoke.


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