Thursday, December 18, 2008

LGTMAS: Gamine

Sweater, Moda International. Turtleneck, Merona. Skirt, Herman Geist (thrifted and shortened). Tights, Danskin. Loafers, American Eagle for Payless.

This outfit kind of makes me want to throw up. It is too much girlishness.

I’m not really a fan of gamine – mostly because I dislike flats. I’ve only worn flats to work a handful of times since beginning this blog.

In fact, these red peep-toes are the only dressy flats I own.

The Gamine chapter of The Lucky Guide to Mastering Any Style wasn’t very helpful. From what I gathered there, gamine style = dressy clothes you can wear while riding your bike. (Hence, the flats.) Nadine of Strawberry Kitten, my Gamine Lucky Blogger Girl, is far more inspirational than the book. Not only does she does ride her bike wearing her cute ensembles, but she does it in heels.


Katie Keisler said...

Ok, so maybe it's super sickening pink and girly, but it still looks fab on you! Girl, this outfit makes your waist look teeny tiny!!!


JR said...

I think a little cuteness is okay around Christmas. This outfit has a cute 1950's holiday vibe.

Cathryn said...

Personally, I like the gamine look. However, you don't look terribly comfortable in it. Must not be your style.

Kasmira said...

LOL - I did consider wearing a bow.

My waist really isn't that small, it's just oval shaped, so it appears small from the side. I have a very flat ribcage.

Katy said...

I love that skirt and how you style it. I can still remember your outfit featuring this skirt from one of your theme weeks, I think it was "A Touch of Sun." It was divine!

Tara said...

I love everything about this outfit...except the shoes. It remids me a little of the Freelancer's Fashion Blog red and green edition from the other day

I don't think yours is sickeningly feminine at all, though.

lizbeth said...

Aw, I love this whole outfit.

I don't think it's too girly. Not for me, anyway :)

Chris said...

Love the sweater! And your poses, lol.

Anonymous said...

It is a little girly, but I love the skirt (I'm really into florals lately for some reason). Is that velvet? Corduroy?


Londyn said...

You crack me up! I (of course) really liked this girly outfit.

Maybe it is b/c I just really like the sweater and completely adore that skirt :)

I am with you on the flats though -- we just have to admit that we are die hard heel fans!

Ben Varkentine said...

I kinds like the skirt, too--but then, I once had a shirt very like that.

Sheila said...

Love the sweater - very cute. I'm not big on the shoes either. A kitten heel would look fab with this.

mbbored said...

On the other hand, this outfit totally shows off your ridiculously tiny waist.

Erica said...

It is very sweet, but still looks great on you! I usually like the gamine look, as long as it tends toward Audrey gamine and not cutesy gamine. :)

Kasmira said...

The skirt is a cotton velvet. Unlined. :( So I have to wear a slip to keep it from sticking to tights.

wenditos said...

I am not a fan of the cropped sweater with the skirt. I looked at your other mixes with the skirt and they look really nice.

lorrwill said...

darn. Sheila and I may have to wrestle for that sweater when you get tired of it.

I also want the skirt but I would have to use an industrial strength corset to get my waist line into it.

as an aside, I made (well have to hem it tonight) my first cotton velvet skirt and I love that fabric!!!!!!!!

Rosemary West said...

The gamine style usually strikes me as too artificially cute. But this outfit looks good on you, and the skirt is really nice.

Anonymous said...

I have the book and I don't think what you're wearing is close to Gamine. Think French girl and go a bit boyish too.

Just a suggestion.

ps. I love Gamine style.

Elena said...

I'd have to disagree with you, Gamine is not about flats, a pair of wedges or espadrilles would do just fine.

Also the first and last look is not Gamine at all, in my opinion, while the two in the middle look awesome, especially I loved the safari dress on you. Perfect Gamine outfit could be espadrilles, paired with some pedal pushers and striped boatneck.

I, myself, do not own more than one pair if flats and I never wear them, but I love espadrilles