
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Actor On the Go

Angie has a list of flop proof casual outfits for the Mom-on-the-go. I’m no mother, but my requirements for play rehearsals are similar. I need my looks to be layered, comfortable, and washable. I prefer them to also be playful, interesting, and colorful. Finally, I try to add at least one structured element to pull it all together. One of my go-to’s is a miniskirt plus leggings/tights, flats, and a jacket.

Jacket, Tommy Hilfiger (thrifted). Striped cardi, Old Navy. Tee, American Apparel. Mini, American Standard Tyte (thrifted and overdyed). Leggings, Danskin. Boots, Diba.

This is my shirt from last year’s Flying Pig. I’m training for the half marathon again.

The mini might strike some as an odd choice, but I find short skirts very comfortable and, with leggings underneath, adequately modest.

More of my “uniform” (with a few variations):

This combo is also one of my favorites for a long day of shopping.


  1. I love that bright green jacket!

  2. I don't quite think I could pull that off, but it's cute on you.

    When you wear this combo shopping, do you take the leggings off in order to try things on, or do you try on over them? They are such a hassle to get off and on, I wouldn't want to be wrangling them ten times a day, but if you can try on over them, that would make the whole process easier.

  3. I figure we all fall into two categories: people who can pull off multi-color, multi-pattern and/or multi-layers and people who cannot. You = former, me = latter.
    This outfit makes me happy (on you).

  4. I love that outfit on you! I totally couldn't pull that look off myself, but it totally works on you. And dang, I am totally jealous of your legs.

  5. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Such great colors and fun layers!

  6. I'm with you on the leggings/flats combo for comfort and flexibility. I'm also doing OTK socks for added warmth in the frigid climes of MN!

  7. grace - I leave the leggings on, unless I'm trying on pants or jeans. But, honestly, I haven't bought a pair of either for almost a year, so that's usually not an issue.

  8. You amaze me! You do everything: ballet, tap, swim, run half-marathons, theater, work, and find time to dress yourself amazingly on top of it all.

    And I love that jacket.

  9. I adore all the colours! So pretty!

  10. love the boots..but I am commenting to let you know that you have been chosen by me Adeline from My Vintage Image to receive a best blogger award!

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