
Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Whenever I put flowers near my chestal region, I think of them as a “boobquet.” I guess today I have an “underboobquet.”

Turtleneck, Mossimo or Merona or some Target “M” brand. Dress, No Boundaries. Tights, Urban Outfitters. Brooch, Newport News. Necklace, thrifted.

Does one flower make a bouquet?

Boobquets of the present and past:


  1. Great outfit - has a medieval feel to it. And I like the addition of boobquet!

  2. Amazing tights! And 1 flower may not always make a boobquet, but that one does!

  3. Anonymous9:34 PM

    those are amazing tights! Kind of witchy, but in a fun, flirty way.

    I think one flower would be a "boobbud" ... but that just sounds wrong.

  4. HA! I love "boobquet", I'm going to steal it.

    I love this outfit - the tights are killer.

  5. Fabulous sleeve on that dress. Boobquet. Hee. ^__^

    Also omgoodness those tights are love.

  6. Boobquet! I love it!

    Another big fan of those tights here!

  7. Hahaha! i love the boobquet! i wish i had flowers to wear just so i could say that i was sporting a boobquet awaiting warmer weather and the SUN.

  8. hmm... even in the 21st Century, people in northern climates wearing fake flowers as a pagan ritual to honor the gods of spring....tights: too weird for me, like an auxiliary set of veins, but then I am not brave about patterned tights at all; do not wear them; have not even bought a pair. Overall, it is a conservative outfit with a subdued palette, but then it is still strange and theatrical.

  9. I've never considered the underboobquet before, but it looks great. In fact, this is one of my favourite outfits of yours, is so cute and classy and kooky, all at the same time. Time to get myself one of those flower brooches.

  10. great look! i saw a belt like this in a magazine and am already looking forward to rocking it!

  11. That is one more reason why I love to follow your blog. That is funny, I love it " boobquet". I have to say that one flower does not make a boquet. But one can make a boobquet, since you already have um..two...boobes.=)

  12. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Those tights are awesome. But not as awesome as the word "boobquet."

  13. Anonymous10:06 AM

    "boobquet" I love it! I think this is going to be my new word now. haha

    This outfit is gorgeous!

  14. Geez, give a girl some warning. You can't just bust out a word like "boobquet" and except me to not snort my morning tea.

    - E

  15. I love empire waists, and especially things that draw attention to them. I think this dress is pretty perfect, the tights are amazing with it and I love the accent of the single rose boobquet.

    Funny, I happen to be wearing a 3/4 sleeve black fitted shirt under an empire-waisted dark blue dress with very similar sleeves & hem length. BUT, no boobquet. :(

  16. C - I'll never look at the tights the same way again. Veins, ha!

  17. Where do you find all your awesome tights? And what is the price point? Since it's going to be winter in MN FOREVER, I probably should invest in a few more pairs!

    Erin, The Cheap Chick

  18. Erin - I keep my eyes peeled for tights whenever I shop. As you've maybe noticed, I have TONS of clothes, and feel guilty buying more, but tights (and other accessories) seem like a cheap, small pleasure.

    I think this pair was around $14 at Urban Outfitters. Usually, I don't spend more than $12 on tights. I definitely wouldn't spend more than $20 for something so easily ruined by a jagged toenail. (My winter pedicures are not so frequent.)

  19. Those tights are killer, and I want to steal your shoes!

  20. glad you are not insulted- most everything you wear is way outside my comfort zone. I read your blog to try to expand my aesthetic, but it is not an easy thing for me at all.

  21. I loooove those tights!!! :D

  22. Awesome tights. Love the blue and black color palette and the flower. Boobquet is a fun word!


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