
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Five Years Apart

Beefy is a younger man. Younger by five years. Well, not quite five years, so now that he’s had his birthday, he’s only four years younger than I am until November.

Shirt, Levi’s (thrifted). Sweater, Joseph A (thrifted). Dress, Jam’s World (thrifted). Leggings, We Love Colors. Boots, Ariat. Sunglasses, Target. Bag, Nine West.

For his birthday, we went birding (like last year). We started with waterfowl at Cosumnes River Preserve and then drove to Vic Fazio Yolo Wildlife Area where we saw a great horned owl. Definitely good birthday luck!

What I wore on Beefy’s past birthdays:


  1. Happy Birthday, Beefy! Gosh, I've been reading your blog so long, I remember your ex-husband (you pasted his head over your cleavage once, I think!).

  2. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Happy Birthday, Beefy! I think it's cool that you do something interesting together rather than just a traditional birthday dinner to celebrate.


  3. Happy birthday to Mr Beefy - it seems like every year he spends it with a different Kasmira - i love how chameleonic you are-

  4. Happy Birthday Beefy!

    Nice to hear a success story with a "younger" man. I am recently single in my forties and have shied away from younger guys. You two seem quite well matched and very happy. Maybe I should aim younger!


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