
Monday, November 10, 2008

Scarf Week: Plummy

Cardigan, George ME. Long-sleeved tee, Bitten. Trousers, Forever 21. Scarf, swap. Lace-up pumps, Isaac Mizrahi for Target. Earrings, thrifted. Purse, Bijou Bijou.

The weather is finally properly autumnal. In honor of the chilly temperatures, I declare this Scarf Week on WIW2D. I’ll wear a different style of scarf each weekday. Not only can a scarf keep you warm as we transition into winter, but it is an inexpensive way to add interest to your existing wardrobe.

I started with the classic silk square because Sarah R sent me a desperate plea for help styling this sort of scarf in October. I think the small, square scarf is the hardest to wear.

Around the neck. My first inclination is to fold it diagonally into a strip and tie it around the neck. If your neck is short or wide, though, you look and feel as if you’re being choked. However, even those with the most swan-like of necks have trouble wearing a square knotted at the throat because of the unfortunate resemblance to a flight attendant.

In the hair. A colorful scarf looks pretty as headband, dangling from the base of a ponytail, or wrapped around a chignon. I’ve been unsuccessful wearing them in my hair, though, because they tend to slip off.

On a bag. The easiest way to use a square scarf is to knot it onto a handbag. No fuss!

Today, I’ve tried to replicate the look of a tie neck blouse by knotting the scarf around the closure of my cardigan. The scarf could also be knotted or folded and then pinned to the throat of a traditional blouse.

How do you wear a silk square?


  1. I've only worn it around my neck and on my bag, but I like your idea of knotting it around the closure of the cardigan. I shall try it. Thanks!

  2. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I love that you're tackling scarves this week! I have no idea what to do with them.

    I have a few winter-weather scarvs and they keep me plenty warm, but I don't know how stylish they are. I just wear them with my coat and take them off when I get indoors.

    I tend to fold a long scarf in half and tuck the long end through the loop to secure it to my neck(does that make sense)?

  3. mrs. makeover - makes sense! I've heard that called the "hacking knot" (lovely, huh?) I'll wear a few sorts of oblong scarves this week.

  4. I have been wearing scarves a lot lately but int he same old boring way so am looking to you for some tips.
    What a genius idea. I will be trying this later in the week.
    Can't wait to see what else you do this week.

  5. Yay! You remembered me! ~swoon~
    I wear them in my hair a lot. I just use bobby pins. That being said, I have super thick ridiculous hair, so once I pin it with the bp's, it's stuck for good.
    Never once occurred to me to wear it on my bag. Duhhhhh

  6. Firstly, those are gorgeous colours on you!

    When I had longer hair, I wore square scarves knotted around the ponytail - the trick is to slip the scarf once through the elastic so that it doesn't slide out.

    I do the "flight attendant" look! Ha!

  7. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I love this outfit! I wear square scarves kind of like a 'choker' because I haven't found a good way to wear them.

  8. Wow, how fortuitous -- I just today tried adding a scarf to my outfit and failed I'm going to plan for a cardigan and try it your way. Brilliant & beautiful, THANK YOU!

  9. Love what you did with the scarf on the cardigan. I usually actually wear my small scarves as head bands, but these are great options!

  10. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I agree 100%! It's such a great accessory especially when you can't quite figure out what to finish off your outfit with. Can't wait to see what the rest of the week holds.

  11. I'm a huge fan of the "hacking knot" - saw it all over Europe. Depending on the length and weight of the scarf, I may stagger the ends so that one trails out longer than the other. Looks beautiful with outerwear scarves (those you take off once you get inside). My other favorite way to wear a scarf is as a necklace (works best with a smaller silk square, or an oblong). With a square, I fold in half diagonally, roll up from the center points, then loosely tie an overhand knot in the center. Now tie the ends behind your neck. The scarf now gives you a v-neck effect, with the knot in the center. Very flattering.

  12. I'm lucky enough to own fairly large silk squares, so I always tie them in the "flight attandent" manner, but then I loosen them up, so it ends up as a silk mess around my neck. I wore a bow blouse today (sort of) as well! :-)

  13. I am (almost!) jealous that you are heading towards cooler weather as it is heating up in the Southern Hemisphere...still donning the occasional light weight scarf but wearing them in the hair as summer sets in. Will keep the great tips for next winter though.

  14. Great look--love it all! I typically wear a square silk scarf tied around my neck ala flight attendant but I love your idea as a cardigan closure. Im going to try that sometime!

  15. I was hoping you'd explain how you'd tied your scarf, I couldn't figure it out! Love it, great colour combination.

  16. shoegal - I folded the scarf diagonally and then knotted it once over the cardigan closure. (The cardigan fastens with a button and a loop.)

  17. I love reading your blog! I am a big scarf wearer. Lately I've been wearing small squares as headbands. I put a stretchy headband underneath the silk one so it doesn't move as much and then I use hairpins on the sides to keep it securely on.

  18. How did you get the Bitten shirt? There isn't one in our area and SJP doesn't sell Bitten online!!

  19. Bitten is sold by Steve and Barry's. There is one in the Western Hills area (off of Glenway, behind World Market and Best Buy) and there is another store at the Cincinnati Mills (if it is still operating!)

  20. kewl blog

    I love this idea with the cardi.

    I tried to wear my little square 70's style with the knot and ends off to one side. I learned that I need to pin that sucker to keep it from sliding to the front.

  21. I'm so glad I read all the comments...I was trying to figure out how you tied the scarf exactly. I was over here trying to get my scarf in one of the button holes...uh, doesn't fit! I then got the bright idea to look at your pics closely and read the comments. I'm going to def. try this with a certain cardi tomorrow.


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