
Thursday, June 04, 2009

Meta Commentary

Cardigan, To the Max. Dress, Lani. Belt, thrifted. Shoes, Gianni Bini (gift from Londyn). Earrings, Target.

J totally called me out on the recent lack of text accompanying my posts. And here I thought you all just showed up to look at the pictures!

The only commentary I have to offer on the lack of commentary is that my non-blog life is currently overwhelmingly complicated. So much so that I haven’t even played fashion show in weeks. I’m afraid the blog suffers.


  1. Haha... you're not fooling anyone! The two pics at the bottom are actually the SAME pic - you just flipped them!

    ... lol... not sure why that thrilled me so much to catch that... haha... j/k

    Love your blog - hope the non-blog life goes well!


  2. Also sending well wishes to you for your non-blog life! I'm glad you're still posting tho, because checking your blog is truly one of the high points of my day!! Keep up the great work!

  3. oh no, i'm sorry to hear that. i hope everything works out for you. thank you for the lovely post, as always! orange sling backs add a nice kick to the outfit!

  4. I thought you were just saving yourself for that amazing essay of $20 Outfit Results!!!

    The flipped pictures made me laugh so they have made up for lack of narration with your posts!

    Love those shoes. Wish we had better choices here in Oz!!

  5. Looks great and I would never have suspected the subterfuge!

  6. Really loving this outfit! I've been checking out your blog for a while and your style is so unique -work appropriate but also fun and fabulous. Would love if you checked out my blog, which I just started a few months ago on dressing for work for little money and a lot of style:
    Also hoping your non-blog life uncomplicates itself!

  7. Ah, non-blog life - how dare it intrude! Hope things get less stressful for you, and don't worry about the flavour text.

    Oh, and nice shoes!

  8. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I love your shoes: orange suits you so well :).

  9. i love this outfit! and if you ever feel like letting someone with a broken tooth borrow your shoes, i'm your girl!

  10. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Love the cardigan and the earrings!

    Well, I come for the pictures, but I do enjoy your commentary too. Hope everything starts getting a little less complicated soon!

  11. Life is life ... it happens, that's for sure! I hope it all settles down for you soon.

  12. Boo on overly complicated personal life!

    You look very cute today- I love the orange shoes!

    Heh- your bottom shots look like a half-hearted impression of Godzilla attacking.

  13. What an adorable ensemble! Orange shoes. Gotta love it.

  14. I would say most people come for both, and a blog is what the owner wants it to be. So if you need to take time in REAL life to handle things, then we still appreciate that you put your wonderful fashion taste out there for us to see and comment on.=)

  15. Great outfit...loving the shoes! Hoping things get better!

  16. Ahhh! That cardigan *faints* so gorgeous! Love the colour combo (as always).

    PS. Nothing wrong with operating under the 'picture says a thousand words' principle occasionally :)

  17. This is my favorite way you've worn this dress - I love the cardigan/belt combo and the color scheme rocks!

  18. I like what I've seen of that you have any shots of just the dress without layers over it? I'm really curious as to what the rest looks like.

    Really dig the orange shoes!!


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