
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Pirate Booty

Midway through the day, I discovered I could flip up the cuff of my pirate boots for an almost over-the-knee look. I was relieved to look a little less pirate-y. The gold doubloons around my waist are pirate-like enough. (Wow, I used "pirate" in every sentence.)

Dress, Bill Berman (thrifted). Turtleneck, Merona. Belt, thrifted. Boots, Rampage. Earrings, Ali’s Boutique.

I love floral tights, but this pair makes my legs look as if I have some sort of skin ailment.

Because I had a request for more kittens…

Two of my favorite things: kittens and martinis!

P.S. No alcohol was consumed by Walt or Roy. It turns out that kittens don’t like martinis.


  1. Pretty dress! And your kittens are absolutely the cutest!


  2. Cute look! I didn't know you wear glasses.

    And very cute kitty pictures, they look so sweet!

  3. Is that kitten yours?!?!?!?! SO adorable! :)

  4. Those boots are to die for!

  5. Ooh, I love the faux fur at the neck. Very granny chic! I like your hair at this length too.

  6. Kasmira - LOVE the kitties & your boots! Your blog is AWESOME! I check it faithfully most every day, thank you for sharing your creativity! :) I have a quick question for you on Over dyeing since you seem to be the QUEEN of this! I have a bright salmon colored sweater I just bought - don't care for the color but would LOVE to have it in a wine color. What are my options & how would I do it? It's a blend of 69% Acrylic, 30% Wool, 1% Other. Thoughts? Thanks a bunch! :)

  7. I love your face in the leg shot picture, hahahaha! Super cute outfit, and those pictures make me want a kitty. And I don't even like cats!! =D

  8. Those kittens are so freaking adorable!!! You named them well :)

  9. OMF- I need to post a pic for you of one of my cats holding an empty beer bottle. Your kittens are infinitely more classy. And this outfit is fantastic- it's so creative, and reminds me of Diana Vreeland. Love it.

  10. How do you know which one's which? Kittens, I mean?

    You are one very stylish pirate!

  11. Rosie Unknown - I usually wear my contacts because I swim, run, or dance every day. Today, though, there was no exercise on the schedule. :(

    Londyn - I have two kittens! But they look very similar.

    JewelryGirl - I'm afraid the acrylic won't dye with any of the dyes you can find as an ordinary consumer. The wool should take color from any of the standard dyes, but I'm not sure. I'm afraid the sweater might be a lost cause....but you can always try!

    Tanya - I can tell the kittens apart IRL, but it's really hard with pictures! Walt has lighter fur, is fatter, and has kind of "sad eyes." Roy is smaller, more striped, and his facial features are more proportional than Walt's.

  12. Spam away!! I'd love to see links!!

  13. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Love the way that dress drapes.

  14. Actually, the tights don't make your legs look like they have a skin ailment, they make them look unshaven. EEuw. Maybe if you layered some colored ones under?

  15. love that dress!!! and aren't those merona tissue turtlenecks the best? i bought, like, at least 5 last year and wore them non-stop.

  16. I love your glasses and your kittens! I tried to see if my beagle was interested in wine or coffee, but she wasn't.

  17. Super cute - the kittens and the outfit! I once walked in on my puppy lapping up my margarita, so maybe it's just a puppy thing? Haha!

  18. ha you crack me up! who doesn't love kittens and martinis? obviously fabulous. also, I pretty much adored the way that you used pirate in each sentence and then called yourself out on it. too. funny. killer outfit. especially loving that belt of gold doubloons. and I am completely coveting that retro type dress. its so freakin fantastic. great boots as well.


  19. Those kittens don't know what they're missing!

    Great outfit; those boots are just perfect and I love the gold belt.

  20. Love those boots. I love patterned tights in general, but I have a similar pair of lace tights that I don't wear b/c I think they make my legs look diseased.

    The kittens with the martini are so cute!! Two of my favorite things as well! My cats will sniff at everything, but they make really bad faces and run away when they sniff alcohol or wasabi.


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