
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dye Another Day

I have a history of dyeing this blazer. It was originally a pale Khaki. Then, I colored it with RIT dye in Tan.

Before and After

I tired of the neutral and dyed it once again, with Kelly Green, hoping for Olive. I got Pea Green, but that’s alright.

Jacket, Charlotte Russe (overdyed – twice!) Dress, London Times. Belt, thrifted. Shoes, Bongo (thrifted and handed-down). Earrings, World Market. Bag, Franco Sarto. Bangle, Garden of the Gods gift shop.


  1. You've inspired me to dye some cute white shirts I have but immediately stained. Thanks, buddy!

  2. Dye is perfect for covering/obscuring stains. I've got a big mustard stain on this jacket.

  3. I love the color!

    This outfit is so cute!

  4. I suck at dying but you did a great job I actually like that green color. It works perfect with the rest of the items...

  5. I love the color..and the outfit is perfect withe the red accessories....awesome dye job!

  6. I have a similar blue dress in which I think I will copy your look on!!! :)

  7. I like the green best. Good choice!

  8. I love the new shade of green. Nicely done. I always get weird splotches of lighter color on my dyed garments. Any tips?

  9. I love the dyed jacket in all its incarnations. Very nice.

  10. I wish I was so crafty! The jacket looks great :)

  11. So far, this current incarnation of your jacket is my fave. And the outfit is absolutely wonderful with the pops of red- it's and undersea palette- green and blue- with a coral reef thrown in! Makes me want to go to the beach...

  12. Do you still dye the same way you did in the overdying denim tutorial? Or do you have any new tips. How strong is the dye smell? I'm debating trying to dye something but my bathroom has no windows and it's a studio apartment so there's not really an outdoor space to try it in.

  13. I've been using RIT dye lately, in the washing machine, following the package directions. It has very little smell. The Dylon dye doesn't stink, either.

  14. Okay I officially copied you! You'll have to let me know what you think ;)

  15. Okay, I have to know: what color/brand of paint is that room? LOVE IT.

  16. Cate - oh...I painted that awhile is Behr paint and I think the color was something like Egyptian Purple. Something Egyptian...maybe Pharaoh Purple? Cleopatra Purple?


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