
Thursday, January 27, 2011


I was supposed to be waking up in Boston this morning, but the snow cancelled my trip. I’m terribly disappointed. (I was going to meet Hillary!) I’m wearing the very practical and comfortable outfit I had planned on wearing in Boston today. I dressed for snow, wind, and foot travel.

Skirt, Jones New York Country (thrifted). Sweater, Charlotte Russe. Vest, Forever 21. Boots, Matisse. Necklace, VLM.

I don’t make a habit of dressing sensibly for the office. In fact, I searched my archives for any work outfits I described as “practical” or “comfortable” and found only three:

Every one of those days involved long hours on my feet. Mostly, I sit in a chair, so I can wear tight belts, complicated layers, and ankle-breakers. But I'd rather be trudging through the snow in Boston.


  1. As we say over here, Uf Dah. Sorry about the no-go to Boston. But at least you look fabulous! And... um. Yeah, not going to Boston sucks. Sorry!

  2. Bummer about your trip. How funny though that the other 3 "sensible" outfits all involve the same pair of shoes!

  3. super cute outfit!! love your blog!

  4. Sorry about your trip. I think it's funny in all three of those outfits, you are wearing the same shoes.
    My Heart Blogged

  5. Evidently, I don't own many sensible shoes!

  6. Boo to fun-spoiling bad weather. But yay to amazing colours and layering!

  7. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Love your outfit today. In fact I like almost everything you wear except those blue shoes! And where are your cowboy boots--you haven't worn them lately. Everybody here in Tx will be bringig out their cowboy boots because its rodeo time in February.

    Erma K. -TX

  8. Erma K - the snow was ruining my cowboy boots. (I bought these gray boots to wear instead.) I need to clean and condition the leather so I can bring them back out when the snow clears up!

  9. I was totally bummed but it WILL happen I know it. IT is a perfect foot walking and site seeing yet office appropriate look! love it.

  10. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Sista, I LIVE in Boston, and believe me, you DO NOT ant to be here! You do look appropriate for the weather though, assuming you have 4 pairs of tights, 2 pairs of socks and 3 slips on under your skirt-lol!!


  11. Aw, bummer about the weather - stupid snow!

    I love this outfit - the vest goes so nice with the skirt and boots. A very chic but comfy look!

  12. Such a bummer about the canceled trip! I'm sorry.
    You look well-prepared and well-dressed for a day of walking about. I'm the absolute worst at footwear on vacation/trips. I always still want to wear my high heels, and I always think "oh this pair will be different" and I always end up crying and bloody heeled somewhere around the fourth block of exploring/shopping/touring. You rock the sensible/stylish combo!


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