
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Pink Boho

One of my favorite outfits ever was my interpretation of the Bohemian aesthetic in the Lucky Guide to Mastering Any Style. I tried every one of the ten styles in the book. Bohemian and Rock and Roll were my favorites.

Today’s look was inspired by my Bohemian outfit from seven years ago. (I wouldn’t say it is recognizably boho, though.)

Jacket, Dex. Shirt, Victoria’s Secret. Dress, Jovovich Hawk for Target. Leggings, Express. Boots, Dan Post. Sunglasses, Meow Meow. Buttons, Disney. Owl brooch, swap. Bag, Clark’s.

”Yesterday’s” boho style and today’s:


  1. LOVE this whole outfit. Head to toe, amazing. <3

  2. Hi, As a fairly new reader I've never seen you in your pre-pink-hair days. . . love the before and after. You were made for a pink cropped do! Makes me want to go pink pixie :)!
    Thanks for the great blog!


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