
Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Yeah, It's 90 Degrees

…but my workplace is plenty airconditioned to continue wearing scarves all through the warm months.

Jacket, Charlotte Russe (overdyed). Dress, Jovovich Hawk for Target. Scarf, Camp Foster PX “mall” (embellished by me). Flats, Nine West. Bag, vintage and thrifted. Feather earrings, No Boundaries. Studded choker (worn as a bracelet), thrifted.

Let’s have a recap of all the ways I’ve worn this dress, shall we? And perhaps a poll, too, for Stephanie N?

My favorite outfit with the Jovovich Hawk for Target dress is:
Summer Mixers: Red and Blue
Purple Ain't So Bad
LGTMAS: Bohemian
Tattoo Knees
Yeah, It's 90 Degrees free polls


  1. I love this outfit! I like wearing scarves all year too :)

  2. Anonymous11:32 PM

    I like the outfit and i ♥ the purse so cute!!!

  3. I am wearing a white dress today but you have given me so many ideas for the future!

  4. What a fantastically versatile dress!

  5. This look is so cute..and again...the soft browns and reds are so flattering on you. Love that purse too:)

  6. i like it this way the best.
    i wear scarves, blazer or cardigan all year round too, my office is freezing during the summer time

  7. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Have you done a tutorial on how that scarf got so fantastically embellished? If not, I'd love to see one!

  8. Sal - here it is!

    I just sewed buttons to each corner and looped tassels around them.

  9. Anonymous11:58 AM

    So Caroline over at Second Hand Shopper tagged me to tell you seven things you never knew you wanted to know about me. The rules are that I tell you seven random facts then tag seven bloggers I would like to know more about!

    So here it is….

    1) I Love Mushrooms, it’s a sickness even..LOL..

    2) I have incredible upper arm strenght, I can actually pick up my husband, even though he wont admit to it. Like Popeye strong…

    3) I secretly like at night to sit and take a spoonful of peanut butter from the jar and just eat it, eat it slow and think about my day, it’s very relaxing and I love it, but I can only truly relax if it’s just me, if heir are other people around I cannot eat it, and the funny thing it’s the only way i eat peanut butter, other than this one moment i cannot eat it or like it, So go figure…

    4) I love talking in public, I mean I really enjoy it, I preach in my church and do presentations for work and I absolutely love having all those people looking at me and waiting for the next sentence (I know a little narcissistic)..LOL..

    5) I hate using public toilets,, HATE IT, I usually hold it, or just hoover..LOL..

    6) I am addicted to DOVE chocolate bars, dark and regular milk chocolate…

    7) The only perfume i use is Estee Lauder’s Pleasure, have used it like the last 12 years, no other, so when people give me other fragrances, i re-gift or return… I know it’s horrible, but it’s the only smell i love…

    Here are my seven bloggers…

    1) Africana Wardrobe—
    2) Budget hat I am wearing—
    3) Dress with Panache—
    4) Latoyas Look Book—
    5) What I wore today—
    6) La Petite Fashionista—
    7) My Delusional Mind—

  10. I love your blog- I think I'll be hooked on it! You make me want to do something like this! This last look with the dress is for sure the best- it's very slimming and I love the jacket & purse combo. I'm going through my closet tonight for some mix & match fun!

  11. There's just no way I could possibly decide which is better---they are all fabulous! So I can't take the quiz! :)

  12. Yippee! Thanks for making me smile, Kasmira.

    I love that scarf so much. Thanks for pointing us back to to how you refashioned it. Such a great idea.


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