
Sunday, January 31, 2010

January Purchases

I didn’t list this in my new year’s resolutions, but I put myself on a clothing budget. It isn’t an outright ban on shopping and it is still probably more than one middle-class person should spend per month. Since November, I’ve been on a $100/month diet. Starting this month, I’ll show you what I got with it at the end of the month. (Hopefully, this doesn’t peter out like last year’s Recession Challenges. I’m so ashamed.)

1. Twist Lace Overlay Blazer (Forever 21), $27.80
2. Shanti Studded Boot (Forever 21), $24.80
3. Troop Military Vest (Forever 21), $19.84.
4. Washi owl cuff (Pangaea), $30.67.

5. Fab Cheetah Skinny Belt (Forever 21), $2.50. I haven’t worn it yet. Doh.

The total was $105.61 (actually $120.01 when you add the tax and shipping from my F21 order). I’ll do better next month.

Speaking of next month, I’ve got my eye on a couple of pieces at JC Penney and I’m longing to do more than window shop Shock Boutique. What’s on your shopping list for February?


  1. I stopped shopping at F21 a couple of years ago because everything I bought there seemed to fall apart really quickly. Do you find your pieces from there hold up?

    I am on a shopping ban until mid-March, as I had to pay for alterations to my wedding gown and for my hair and make-up this month.

  2. My New Year's resolution is to do only thrift for the year. I don't have anything specific on my list but it has been fun trying to spend my $20 a month (that is what I have allotted myself). So far so good. Right now, I would go crazy if I found a pair of red boots that fit my calves and fit my Fred Flintstone feet. This would send me over the moon.


  3. Colored shoes. I have a million pairs of black shoes in everything from sandal to boot. It's time to bring some color back into my life.

    That and sundresses. I doubt I'll find them in February, but I'm itching for summer.

  4. LHdM - I've only had problems with the buttons falling off my F21 pieces. I keep a needle and thread at my desk and just sew them back on again!

  5. That's good! Maybe I'll give them another chance when the shopping ban I'm on is over.

  6. My February shopping list includes a pair of black ballet flats. I seem to keep buying either heels or colourful flats because that's what I gravitate towards. Of course, I've already used up half my February budget (on the last weekend of January... eek!) so we'll see.

    I love that you are sharing what you purchased with your budget. It's a great way to keep oneself in accountable.

  7. Fabulous idea, if I had to publicize what I spent monthly I might budget a bit better, love your cuff! I have the matching ring but the cuff is better- more owls.
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  8. I went to F21 a couple weeks ago and they had the most amazing sale going on! I got so much for only 25 bucks!

  9. Well done with the thrift, the only thing I worry about is Sweat Shop Produced Clothing. For every $20 item I buy. I know someone in China or India has been paid a pittance to sit at a sewing machine for 12 hours minimum pay to produce something cheap for me. This is something I continually struggle with in my quest for affordable clothing. What are your thoughts?

  10. Faux Fuchsia - the guilt over sweatshop labor is probably the #1 reason I only shop at F21 a few times a year. I'm hoping my New Year's Resolution to wear one non-traditional-retail item each day will help me explore options that are much less likely to include sweatshop labor.

  11. Love that you're doing this! I can't wait to see all the stuff you buy on your budget!

  12. I am on a self imposed shopping ban, so I did not buy ANYTHING in January. For February I am allowed to buy ONE piece, so I am really thinking on what it is that I need...

  13. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Wow, I am inspired by you all. I am putting myself on a shopping budget/ban too. I always shop thrift, and I just have a few things on my wish list:
    navy blue pencil skirt
    black wool coat
    brown waist length cool statement coat (winter)
    black boyfriend cardigan
    tall black boots

    those are the only things I will allow myself to buy....and I'd love to keep it under $60....remember, I shop thrift, so I could do it....

  14. I love this post! Great deals :)


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