
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Summer Wardrobe Capsule Challenge Recap

It’s over! Jane’s fourth Wardrobe Capsule Challenge is complete. I made it through the week with five garments and unlimited accessories. Here are my six looks:

Maryeb asked how I choose the items in a wardrobe capsule. This is my fourth capsule, and I think I’ve got a good process.

1. Choose a dress. The right dress can give you three different outfits when worn as a dress, skirt, and top. The dress I used this time didn’t work well as a top (because of the empire waist), but my faux-Missoni dress from the first Wardrobe Capsule Challenge was super versatile:

2. Choose your color palette. I usually choose the color palette after the dress. Since the dress will be my workhorse, I want to ensure it looks good with most of my other items. I went for a pastel palette, anchored by navy, for the spring challenge:

3. Choose a bottom (or two). I add at least one skirt to my capsule. It can be worn with a top or over the dress. If there is room, add another skirt or slim jeans. (I prefer jeans with a slim/skinny cut so they can be worn under the dress for a fourth outfit.)

4. Choose a top (or two). The tops I choose depend on the time of year…but I use at least one blouse. A blouse can be worn as a simple top or layered under or over a dress. In the winter, I also added a sweater to my capsule. For this summer capsule, I chose a ruffled tank top in addition to my blouse.

5. Choose a cover-up (or two or three or…). Jackets, cardigans, and vests are essential toppers in your capsule. They can hide lumpy layering or competing waistlines. In a pinch, they can double as a top. Adding a topper to a previous outfit can make it look like one you’ve never worn before.

When I follow these guidelines, the result is a capsule that easily clothes me for the time period. I often have “left-over” outfits that I don’t get a chance to wear. You can see previous Wardrobe Capsule Challenges here:

Spring 2010
Fall 2009
Winter 2008


  1. Thanks for the tips. I've always wanted to take part in a capsule challenge but had no idea how to really go about it.

    I loved your day 3 outfit most of all.

  2. Great! Thanks so much. This will be very helpful when I try a capsule challenge.

  3. I like when you do wardrobe capsules because I am a person who tries to wear the same few clothing articles through out the week and then move on to a new batch the next week, so it is nice to see how you mix things up and use accessories to create new accents.

  4. Has anyone pointed out you also seemed to have done Sal's Summer Blackout Challenge? Granted, you seldomly wear alot of black, but you seemed to knock out 2 challenges last week.

  5. KayeStar - I didn't even realize that I'd shunned black all week. But you're right - I don't wear a lot of it anyway.

  6. Thanks for joining the challenge. Look out for the next one in September!
    Jane X

  7. This is probably the best article I've ever read on capsule wardrobes - with none of that nonsense about sticking to neutral colours only!

  8. I know I'm late to the party, but this also works great as a guide for efficient vacation packing!


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