
Friday, November 21, 2008

Not So Much

Vest, H&M. Blouse, Express. Skirt, from my USMC service uniform, embellished by me. Pumps, Charlotte Russe. Earrings, Claire’s.

This outfit isn’t doing it for me. It was a forced attempt to incorporate this blouse. In theory, the blouse is good: ruffles, satin, cherry red color. In practice, I have trouble styling it in a flattering way.

This last photo is particularly bad. I look like a Shar Pei.

I’m not even bothering to put this one on trial. It’s going straight to the swap bag!


  1. i noticed in one of your past photos that i didnt love this blouse, but i think this outfit is the best yet- i wouldn't be so quick to swap it -- i like that the vest breaks up the red satin- how about one more try with a sweater or cardigan over it?

  2. I love the way you wore this shirt with the skirt (the pic with the umbrella)... but I see what you mean - it just doesn't give you many options because it fits weird...


  3. kiran - it's already in the swap queue. If it doesn't go right away, I might try it once more. I forgot to mention that I have another red ruffled blouse that I far prefer to the satin one. I have it on here:

    And how many red, ruffled blouses does one girl need?

  4. I think it's okay, but I know the feeling of hating an outfit - makes you feel weird and somehow off all day.

  5. Anonymous9:56 AM

    i love this blouse -- i wish i were anywhere NEAR your size and i would totally swap you for it! im sure its gonna get snapped up quickly!

  6. I actually quite liked this outfit.

  7. Too bad it's a size S or I would join just to get that. I have two almost identical shirts - one in black and one in brown - from Kohls. I love them. They tuck nicely into high waisted pants or skirts. However, because my "chest" is a little too big and the shirt cut is a little low, I have to wear something under, which tends to give me the uni-boob look, which is not flattering at all.

  8. I can't put my finger on it either. But I did like it belted with the skirt.

  9. It's such a pretty color. It looks super cute belted with the skirt. I think the belting takes away some of the volume of the shirt that is around the midsection.

  10. I like this look too! I love this shirt! Love it! I'll be sad to see you let go of it.

  11. really? i love it in all the looks! but, i totally understand...if you don't like it, you don't like it.

  12. I really like that blouse, particularly with the trouser jeans you wore it with earlier. I think it's a bit fussy with the embellished skirt, though.

  13. I like it belted best. However, it does seem to look a bit off when tucked in- it's something about the seams. It's just not fitted enough to do you justice. Oh well- hopefully you'll get something really cool in return!

  14. I like that outfit in the middle picture. I suppose I'd change it by changing the shoes. I think the plaid throws off the shirt vibes. Something patent would be cute with it, to echo the shimmer of the shirt. But I definitely wouldn't swap that shirt. Too cute! :)

  15. Hmmm, I did like it belted best, but I think I see what you mean as to it's difficulty over all I guess. However, I love that skirt today -- so majorly cute! And those shoes...ok, WOW!

  16. Oh, that blouse looks so pretty! But you're right, in theory....

  17. I thought the shoes were cute.


  18. I think the blouse looks fabulous, but if it doesn't look right to you, then who am I to convince you otherwise :)

  19. I personally love the one with the skirt and belt. It's very 40s vintage. But hey, if you don't feel good in it, then make space for something better!

  20. I actually really like this outfit and think the blouse looks great on you!

  21. Your ruby blouse sparked my interest, so I went off to read your post about swapping. This may be just what I need. I have a huge box of things that I am sick of listing on Ebay, paying huge fees and just hoping for the right buyer. I'm off to check out the swap shop on Flickr now. Perhaps it may be I that ends up with your blouse! ;)

  22. I have a really similar red silk shirt that I have not worn in ages because there is just something about it I don't like too. . .

    I must say though, I really liked it belted with the skirt!

  23. I really like the outfit! Especially the vest with the skirt. But yes, if something doesn't make you feel great, it should always go.

  24. What about trying a softer sweater vest, in a slightly shorter length, worn open like you have it teamed with a narrower skirt in slate/cadet blue? (Skirt length is perfect, by the way.)

    Maybe add a wide, soft belt (or cummerbund tied scarf) in plain black, charcoal, etc. to define your waist. Black or wine peep toe shoes. Or shades of gray - hose and shoes in the same color but different shades.

    I have no idea what I am talking about, but after reading a bunch of your posts and how to's, I had this thought.

  25. I think the blouse looks beautiful in all the photos!

  26. I love the skirt and the shoes. Not sure about the blouse with this outfit but I think it looks really nice belted and with the other skirt.

  27. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I hope you are kidding when you say that this outfit is not doing it. I most certainly is. The skirt is always a winner, with the pretty lace trim. The blouse is beautiful, anything with a bright red color in shiny satin is like a Christmas present.


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