
Friday, July 01, 2011

Glamorous Safari

Today’s outfit was inspired by Lucky’s Glamorous Safari spread. My take:

Jacket, Charlotte Russe (overdyed – it used to be pale khaki). Tank, swap. Skirt, Talbot’s (thrifted). Shoes, Fioni. Necklaces, vintage and thrifted. Bag, Colini Handbags (thrifted). Bamboo bangles, Garden of the Gods gift shop. Golden bangles, Epcot Morocco. Hat, Betmar.

Lucky's take:

I love Lucky magazine, but the prices can be outrageous. Let’s compare the prices of the pieces in the magazine with my own…

Khaki pencil skirt. Lucky: $260. Me: $5 (thrifted).
Hat. Lucky: $195. Me: $25.
“Ivory” necklaces. Lucky: $295 to $395 each. Me: less than $40 total.
Oxfords. Lucky: $325. Me: $24.99.
Bamboo bangles. Lucky: $15 each. Not bad, but consider…. Me: $1 each.

Saved: $1403.01

I’d love to spend those savings on the Tibi silk blouse pictured ($284), but I contented myself with substituting a coral tank I got for free. The jacket Lucky pictures would be unflattering with my ensemble. I far prefer the fitted little blazer that I dyed myself.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho

Despite the over-priced pieces, Lucky editor Eleanor Strauss picked a great theme for this spread. I’ve found the safari look to be a constant source of inspiration. Past, safari-esque ensembles:

Nothing says "safari" like a zebra-print dress!

Because khaki tends to wash me out, I like to use olive green or orangish-red as an accent color.

Do you do the "safari look?" What are your key pieces for an African-inspired theme? Do you choose an accent color to perk up your complexion?


  1. Wow, love your dye job on the jacket, it's a lovely colour. You're looking really glamourous here, and I actually prefer your shoes to the magazines!

  2. Well done! You should be featured in Lucky alongside the pricey items! I love how you've adapted the safari look on a budget, and tweaked the colors to make them work best for you.

  3. I haven't tried a safari inspired outfit yet. It's great to see how you use the Lucky magazine ideas and make the outfit your own. I love your interpretation, especially the money saving points.

  4. The title is perfect!
    You do glam safari so well!
    Killer hat:)

  5. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Wow- so inspired by that outfit. I usually HATE safari. But you just changed my mind ;-)

  6. Your Lucky mag interpretations always inspires me. I always love a good "safari look"!

  7. Anonymous5:45 PM

    wow.....this is probably the best real-life interpretation of one of those Lucky spreads I've ever seen. TOTALLY impressed! Love it!

  8. Ohh, the hat. I needs it!

    I really like wearing magenta with khaki and olive green. Makes it a bit more feminine and schmexy.


  9. oh you and all your fabulous animal combinations I am most envious and inspired!!

    and I love your shoes!! you always have the best shoes girl!! xoxo J


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