
Friday, March 11, 2011

Fall 2011 Preview

This outfit may be more appropriate for Fall 2011 than Spring, but I wanted to wear this plaid dress one more time before putting it away for six months.

Jacket, Heart Moon Star. Dress, Bitten (shortened). Belt, thrifted. Tights, We Love Colors. Shoes, Steve Madden. Bag, Nicole Lee. Bracelets, Girl Props.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho

See you later, plaid dress!

Do you have any styling suggestions for next Fall?


  1. omg, you inspire me with all these different combos!!! your posts motivate me to mix prints and get creative with my outifts! thank you for this blog, i am an official stalker :)

  2. That is a great dress, and I love the print on your jacket. Do you pack up a lot of clothing for the winter? I'm also in Ohio (Cleveland). I find the weather fluctuates too much, and I always am nervous to put my winter stuff away.
    My Heart Blogged

  3. I don't actually "pack away" my winter clothes, but they definitely get pushed to the back of the closet! Summer in Cincinnati is way too humid and warm for my cold weather clothing.

  4. im curious: is it the dark colors or the plaid print or the fabric (or something else entirely) that has you looking at this dress as a cool-weather dress? being a sleeveless strapless dress, i feel like i could see this working in the warmer weather...

  5. EvaNadine - all three! The dress is wool and the print/colors say "fall" to me.

  6. I had the same questions, but your answers are about what I figured. I like rotating out some clothes and shoes every 6 months - it's so much fun when they reappear!

    You certainly have gotten your money's worth out of this dress - what a lot of fabulous outfits! I love a semi-dressy strapless dress - you have really inspired me to try some of these looks out.

  7. Great dress. It's fun to put things away for a while too. I have a purse that really needs to take a vacation.

  8. Wow! What a lot of outfits you've gotten out of this dress! They're all great, but I think my favorite is the bottom middle one with the hat and blue blouse. I'm finally in a place where I have enough room to keep all my clothes out year round, which I love because I'm a layering addict :)

  9. @kasmira Thanks. I thought you actually meant pack away. I usually put my winter clothing to the back of my closet too.


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