
Friday, July 08, 2011

Friday Formula

My workplace does not have a “Casual Friday,” but I sometimes use Friday as an excuse to wear some of my casual pieces to the office. Today, I broke out the cowboy boots and my favorite button-down.

Shirt, Converse One Star (thrifted). Dress, Allison Taylor (thrifted). Belt, thrifted. Boots, Dan Post. Bracelets, Target, thrifted, vintage, and swap. Earrings, Pangaea. Bag, H&M.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho

Fridays are my chance to perk up my business casual wardrobe with weekend wear, like a military-esque jacket, a casual dress, a knit vest, (and the afore-mentioned cowboy boots).

Then, there is the Casual Friday staple: denim, denim, denim. I’ve worn that casual fabric to work in the form of vests, jeans, a skirt, and, of course, a jacket.

My usual recipe is regular business wear + one casual piece….but I sometimes add a few more casual elements.

What do you wear to work on Casual Friday?

P.S. If you’re new WhatIWore2Day, you must click on the picture of the white jeans to see some of the most awesome photos ever to grace my blog.


  1. You are one cool lady! love the outfits!!

  2. Denim = always right! I love your cowboy boots in the summer. On Fridays I dress down a *little*, in anticipation of a glass of wine at Meg O'Malleys, 5:05PM : >

  3. I LOVE how you wear your boots! Question- mine come up a little higher (like 1-2 inches below my knee) and are suede. Does the fact that they are higher change what I should wear mine with? I'm also thinking that because they are suede I shouldn't wear them in the summer?? Ally @ Fever Thrift

  4. I think that a higher boot is actually more flattering! I wouldn't worry about wearing suede in the summer, just keep them out of the rain and snow! I don't think suede is any hotter than smooth leather.


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