70’s denim blue.
I can think of two possible explanations for the unexpected color:
1. I didn’t leave the garment in the dye bath long enough (I made a timing error and the washer started draining after 15 minutes instead of the recommended 30), so the blue dye penetrated but the yellow dye didn’t.
2. Magic.
I’m leaning towards explanation #2.

Vest, Old Navy (swapped and dyed). Dress, London Times (hand-me-down). Scarf, Gap (I think). Shoes, Colin Stuart. Bag, Franco Sarto. Earrings, Jana’s Designs.

I may try to dye it dark green, again, and defeat the gremlins.
Photos by Beefy Muchacho
I think it looks great in the blue! I'd notch it up as a happy accident =P
I like the magic mistake....great outfit!
I like the second reaon as well! The outfit looks great either way :)
I am really interested in dying a few things in my closet to give them a new life. Do you have any tips and tricks to share???
Defeat the gremlins! Although I do like how you wore it in blue too. But green is my favorite color so yes! Try that again! :)
Schneider! You look great.
The blue looks great. A very happy accident!
oooh I love the blue! you are really impressing me with this dye business. i have this white skirt that I wanna try dying now!
I like the color it turned out.
The vest looks cool. I liked how matched the shoes to the pop of green in the scarf. Nice mix of color and patterns as usual. Hav you ever though about going into interior decorating b/c you have a great eye?
Hmmm...I just today bought a dark green Rit with the intent on dyeing a tan shirt. Now I'm very curious as to how it'll turn out but anything will be better than tan.
Emerge with Style - I confine the interior decorating to my home...it is decorated to the gills!
Kim - you never know with dye!
Loving the dress' pattern and its styling and the scarf so much...
The Shirt Dress to Office
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