
Me and My Wardrobe

I'm a bona-fide cat lady, homebody, wanna-be writer, sorta vegan, fitness nut, and faux extrovert. I want to make the world a more beautiful place and I do that by sharing my talent for colorful, creative dressing with you each day.

I live in Sacramento, CA and work as a sales consultant in the beauty industry.

7 Random Fashion-y Things
37 Days After I Went Blond
Blond Vs Red
How This Blog Has Changed My Life
IRL Awkwardness
Junior High Style
My Lunch
Photo Locations
Weight and Size
You Wear THAT to Work?
My Name

My Wardrobe
I moved to back to the States in July 2004, after an honorable discharge from the US Marine Corps. Soon after, I landed my first job in the corporate world and began building a business casual wardrobe. At first, I was almost exclusively a catalog shopper (Victoria's Secret and Newport News). Now, I thrift or swap as much as possible so I can save my pennies for expensive boots. I have tons of clothes and accessories, but tend to reach for my favorites over and over again. Who doesn't?

Accessories Storage Update
Closet Video Tour
Clothes On Trial
Clothing I Almost Didn't Keep
Monthly Budget and Purchases
Most Worn Items of Year One
Most Worn Items of Year Three
Purse Transitions
Seeking the Perfect...
Shoe Collection
"To Go" Drawer
Walmart Clothing
Where I Thrift Shop (Cincinnati)