
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Stay or Go?

I haven’t put any clothing on trial since January. I get rid of plenty of items on my own, but every once in awhile I can’t decide if a piece of clothing works for me or not. That’s when I ask you all for help.

Jacket, Merona or Mossimo. Dress, handmade via swap. Shoes, Gianni Bini. Ring, Target.

I’ve had this jacket for a little over three years. I used to really like it…but lately I’m kind of “meh” about it.

What do you think? Should it stay in my rotation or not? Here’s how I’ve worn it:

That jacket...
rocks! Keep it.
stinks! Give it away. free polls


  1. I doesn't stink, per se, but you seemed to have evolved beyond this somewhat pedestrian style. I say toss it if you're feeling iffy! You've gotten lots of wear out of it. :)

  2. It's not that it's a bad jacket, but it seems to me that your style has evolved beyond the basic versatility of such a plain jacket.

  3. Time to play with it.. add ruffles or dye it or something!!!

  4. I think it is a fine jacket, but if you aren't excited give it away or refashion it.

  5. i am amazed about your blog, so many pictures so long time of maping you wardrope.

    Keep going.

    greetings from Prague,Julia

  6. I love the jacket and the many ways you've worn it. But there are times when we need to say goodbye to certain items in our closet.

    Or as Passion mentioned, restyle it for new pizazz.

  7. I voted to let it go, mostly because while it's super cute I'm not sure it's working for you anymore. I however would love it if you felt like giving it away, hint hint.

  8. I voted keep it. It's a good, basic, no brainer piece you can pull out when you really don't want to think too much about what you're putting on but still want to look good in the event you run into a blog reader out in the real world. Of course, if you're really bored with it, change it up a bit. New buttons, some sort of trim detail maybe.

  9. Its okay. I prefer how you have worn it with some of the other outfits in the past, and I agree that it might just not be your style anymore.. time to replace it with something else... bye bye jacket..

  10. Embellish it! Or dye it! Or add patches to the lapel! You are so crafty with your clothes, I bet you could make it into something awesome.

  11. I agree with many of the others, dye it. I do prefer it belted.

  12. I'm a loooong time lurker who loves reading your inspiring blog :)

    I would love to hear an update on what you have done with all the pieces you have put 'on trial' - for instance what did you do with the red thai wrap skirt, the blue wrap top etc. Were they keepers, swaped, given to charity?

  13. For me, this jacket works better belted. The question of whether to bin or keep would depend on whether you have any other options for mixing it up further.

  14. Perhaps your relationship with this jacket has simply run its course. But perhaps you wouldn't be so 'meh' about it if you dyed it or changed the buttons or something. Something to make it punchier, I think.

  15. I think it looks great - especially w/ a belt. That said, I've noticed your style has evolved since the majority of these photos were taken, so perhaps it's not so 'you' anymore.

  16. I love it, but I don't LOVE it, if you know what I mean? It's totally to die for with maybe... six outfits of the outfits you created.

    But the golden rule is, if you feel funny, toss. Well, that, and if you haven't used it in a year, throw!

    But whatever, it's totally up to you. But no matter what, it lookED Fab-you-luss!!

    Thanks, Nash.

  17. I think it's cute, but not spectacular... the sleeves are kind of a boring length. Either give it away, or shorten the sleeves and dye it a funky color. Those shoes, on the other hand, are perfect.

  18. Anonymous12:15 PM

    It's cute but, you're right...meh. I like it when you belt it, though.

  19. Give it one last try.
    Keep and alter. Change buttons.
    Gold toned military buttons ? or red buttons ? different color buttons ?
    How about patches... a sailor patch ?

  20. Oooo, I agree with so many others - dye it and belt it!!


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