Striped blazer, Merona. Peacock blue top, Apt 9. Brown, strapless dress, Newport News. Black patent slingbacks, Audrey Brooke. Black patent headband, Claire’s Boutique. Hoop earrings with shell paillettes. Blue purse, Wilson’s Leather.
This has been a l-o-o-o-o-ong week. I’ve worked extra hours every day so far and put in a 13 hour day today. At least I was fed well.
I was just in Tarjay last night looking at that jacket and Dang Nannit! They did not have my size! UGH!
I need a tip where I can get some cute peep-toe pumps in a hot mustard color! Help Por Favor? :oD
Hi Kasmira, I just discovered your blog and I loooove it. You dress so beautifully. Love your jacket today (well, yesterday), and the headband!
Virtuous - I'd try Zappos or one of the other shoe sites with free shipping for mustard, peep-toe pumps. You can usually sort by color so you have less to search through.
Isabelle - glad you stopped by!
Love the blue accents, and the skirt is subtly interesting! Thank you btw for being such an inspiration...
Thanks Girl!
Great idea for making this dress wearable for work! I have a similar dress that I just never wear. I may have to steal this look.
I went to the mall this weekend and saw mustard peep-toes at Wet Seal - both in flats and heels.
I honestly mean this a total complement, but you look like one of those 'Sexy Secretaries' that you see on the internet! I love your outfit and your pose! Very sexy!
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