
Friday, November 12, 2010


I’m such a fan of cool-weather fabrics – especially velvet. I’m always pleased to rediscover this trusty velvet blazer each fall.

Jacket, FANG. Dress, Merona. Boots, Nine West. Earrings, gift. Ring, vintage.

More velvet goodness:

Velvet...skirt, 3 dresses, 3 (more) blazers, gloves, 2 scarves, and a bag.

I'd like to add a pair of trouser-style, velvet shorts to my collection but haven't found a reasonably priced pair, yet.


  1. I love velvet too - I tend to overload on velvet blazers, though!

    This is a lovely outfit - the purple ruffles make my heart go pit-a-pat. :)

  2. Ooooo, is that the Grandma Cookie broach I see?

  3. That's actually the brooch that came attached to the jacket...but you can see it here:


  4. OMG! Love all of it, but especially the BAG! Where's it from? (Please don't say vintage, swap, etc.) :)

  5. I am a big velvet fan, too!
    I still need to chop off my velvet "Kasmira" skirt..............
    (the black floral)
    though the darn waist is teeny!
    i luckily got it in a sz. 12 ;)

  6. CindyinSC - oooh, I am so sorry to tell you the bag is vintage. :(

  7. Your blazer looks like it is a perfect fit. And the color combination is just wonderful!

  8. Count me in as another velvet junkie - can't possibly have enough velvet jackets!

    That combo looks snazzy, & velvet w/ruffles is alllllways a win in my book.

  9. Love the color combo.
    I happen to have a brown velvet jacket somewhere too, and a similar colored dress - must try a similar combo! :)
    lovely blog! :)

  10. Adore velvet too.
    Even though I live in a rain or sun place, I have a dress and a couple of blazers that I adore AND WEAR no matter what- yes, sometimes people stare.
    Even though they were new when I bought them I always get a vintage feel out of them-

  11. That dress is a beautiful color.


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