
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Summer Trends: Roundup

Thanks to Megan Mae and Keely for organizing the Summer Trends challenge!

Will you help me pick a favorite outfit to submit to the round-up?

My favorite look from the Summer Trends challenge was
Stripe and Floral Mix
Military paired with Feminine
Sparkles for Day
Eclectic Prints
Go Neutral
Bright Bottoms free polls


  1. I voted for the Sparkles--I really adore that sequined jacket :)!

  2. I voted military/feminine, but my second favorite is your eclectic prints outfit. I love that crazy dog portrait skirt!

  3. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I went with eclectic print because I have fondness for bat shit crazy prints. ~B

  4. voted for the neutrals because I like them, but I still do not think they are your style...if I had not seen all your bright colorful outfits, however, I would not know...(it does make your hair stand out when you wear neutrals).


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