
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Talbots and Bebe

Sheer silk blouse, Bebe. Waistcoat, H&M. Pencil skirt with pockets, Talbots (thrifted). Pumps, Bandolino. Bird necklace, gift from my friend Elaine. Purse, Apt 9.

This was the lead picture, until closer inspection revealed that one button of my vest is undone!

I must wear this necklace more often! I received many compliments. (Although, every time I’d get a comment, I’d look down at the necklace and discover another dried droplet of the Frank’s Red Hot I’d spilled while eating my breakfast. Quite embarrassing.)

The blouse and skirt are two of my favorite wardrobe items. I thrifted the skirt for my part as Joanne in Vanities. At the time, I thought it dowdy, but I later realized that, with the right styling, it was actually very sexy. I like not only the cut, but the pockets and the secret elastic at the back of the waistband. Based on the tag, my friend Julie guessed that the skirt was from the early 90’s collection at Talbot’s. When was the last time pocketed skirts were popular?

I’ve been fascinated with Bebe ever since my dancing buddy in Phoenix revealed that her car had been repossessed because she spent all her money on Bebe clothing instead of her car payments. Everything in her closet was Bebe and none of it fit me (sigh). I’ve always been too poor to buy much from that store. I found this blouse at an outlet in Honolulu. My favorite thing about it is the asymmetrical ruffles on the sleeves. Because the shirt is sheer and somewhat unstructured, I usually wear it under something else, but I always try to ensure those lovely cuffs show!

Edited to add purse close-up. Click the image for a larger view.


  1. OMG! The Bebe story is too funny! I had the reverse situation. My car did not get taken away but my husband repo'd all of my credit cards recently. As I've told my friends living within my means is not as much fun!

  2. Anonymous10:53 AM

    the outfit is a little blander than usual for you, but you rock it because the fit is killer. that bag looks fab! how about a close up?

  3. Anon - yes, I'm not really happy with how it photographed. Bland, indeed! I can get a detail shot of the bag. It's starting to show some wear, though. I bought it last summer and use it a lot!

  4. OMG, I have a necklace just like that! Mine has a butterfly instead of a bird and a flower on the opposite side. I got it from my grandmother. I exclaimed to my fiance, "Isn't this just fabulous!", and his reply, "Uh yeah, sure...grandma!" What do guys know anyway??

    I have been trying to find a way to wear it, so thanks for the idea and I'll be on the look out for other ways that you wear it. :)

  5. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Love this look...especially that blouse. Actually all the outfits you have shown with that blouse are perfect...a casual chic look.

  6. Wow, Im amazed with what you did with that skirt! Such vision! I tend to look at Talbots and think frumpy because of the super high-waisted fit but you completely changed the look with that styling--it's a fabulous, sexy look! I think the yellow sweater, black belt, orange cami and turquoise shoes are my favorite look with the skirt.

  7. Love your purse, your necklace and that yummy blouse haha

  8. lovely necklace and i agree wt leslie..the yellow sweater is my fav for the skirt. very sexy! as for the blouse, the one you wore under the cowl neck sweater is my fav :)


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