
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Western Floral

For Everybody Everywear florals, I pulled out my Little House on The Prairie dress.

For me, the fun of Everybody Everywear is approaching my closet like a scavenger hunt. Last month’s challenge was the “maxi.” I don’t have one of those long jersey skirts that everyone else seems to be wearing, but I do have an ankle-length, silk, wrap skirt that I bought as a souvenir in Thailand, so I made that work. For “florals,” I had a few choices, but thought it more fun to wear the cheapest floral in my closet. I thrifted this dress for $4.50.

Vest, Old Navy (swapped and dyed). Dress, handmade, thrifted, and shortened. Boots, Dan Post. Cuffs, Target and Epcot Canada. Earrings, Monica D. Bag, Mossimo


Image 1264

Photos by Beefy Muchacho

I’ve worn it a few times before. Cost per wear is now only 30 cents:


  1. I've been following your blog for years and even commented a few times.After all this time it is still a great pleasure to see your blog, your outfits and the new photographer :) is doing a wonderful job.
    I'm glad you exist Kasmira.

  2. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I adore florals with cowgirl boots. Such a fabulous combo.

  3. So cute with the boots! I tried to do floral today but all I could come up with was my seahorse scarf-belt. I do love it though : >

  4. What a bargain at 30 cents per wear! Cute dress, and I love your photo shoot at the flower nursery.

  5. So cute! That dress is unstoppable! :-) Say, did you know your image is on the blog "1000 Awesome Things?" Here's the link to your image:

  6. I love the dress. It looks very country chic.
    My Heart Blogged

  7. That dress is super cute! And a wonderful thrift find!

    14 Shades Of Grey

  8. Anonymous2:58 AM

    I absolutely love this dress, and am dumbfounded that you managed to find it at a thrift store. Unless I am in the market for an oversized polyester sheath, I am plum out of luck at my local stores.

  9. Love this outfit- and how great that you've gotten so much wear out of the dress!

  10. the first photo is my fav! love the belt & peeptoes, but the hair down makes it the full deal. love the headband in 2, the weird cardi in 6 looks nice with it,but the 13th with the orange & the purple...was an extra crazy mash-up!


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