
Friday, April 27, 2012

One Loud Purse

I’m not a black-or-brown-purse-that-goes-with-everything person. As sensible as that would be, I prefer bright, patterned, or detailed bags. Usually, this means I must change purses daily to coordinate with my outfit. Every once in a while, though, I find that one loud handbag works with five outfits in a row:

Like my turquoise purse, this striped number seems to go with everything.


  1. I'm a daily purse changer too. But yes, I've been admiring all the amazing incarnations of this bag. I especially like the thumbnail outfit with the black dress, red belt, and yellow shoes. So graphic and a little bit mod!

  2. I do not have the time or energy to switch purses everyday, but I greatly admire ladies who make the effort to do so! :)


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