
Friday, September 13, 2013

Class Hat

This is probably the classiest hat I own. It makes me feel like the adventurous lady lead in an old-timey movie.

Hat, Betmar. Shirt, The Limited. Skirt, Body by Victoria. Shoes, BCBGeneration. Necklaces, Kenneth Cole Reaction, vintage, and thrifted. Bag, Colini Handbags (thrifted)

This hat has classed up many an outfit:


  1. That's a pretty hat. You look wonderful in it.

  2. that hat has stood the test of time - you rock it.

  3. It's a great hat, but it works best with solid colors. IMO (and you know how little fashion sense I have) when combined with that skirt, there's a bit much going on.

  4. MY FAVE look of yours lately. Love this so much - need to copy :)


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