
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Thought It Was Over

After wearing and photographing this outfit, I was prepared to write a post saying good bye to this dress. I was feeling uninspired and convinced I’d outgrown it. After looking up all the ways I’d worn it, though, I changed my mind.

Dress, I Heart Ronson. Shirt, American Eagle (thrifted). Shoes, Charles David. Sunglasses, Target. Earrings, self-made. Bracelets, Charming Charlie and gift. Bag, Disney.

Some of these thirty-six previous outfits make me cringe, but others make my heart go pitter-patter, so I guess I’m not done remixing this dress, yet.

Besides finding inspiration for future outfits, I enjoy reflecting on the good old days:

- Remember when belting the tails of your scarf was a micro-trend?
- I often wore this dress to my hair appointments. You can figure out which outfits those were by the good hair (styled by my old Cincinnati stylist, Heather).
- People used to make fun of my turtlenecks – but they are trending now, suckahs!
- This dress is a natural for my Red Hat Society experiments. In fact, I’ve got the idea for another Red Hat outfit.
- This dress is also a natural for cuh-razy pattern mixing!
- Only once have I thought it a good idea to take my travel outfit pictures in a mirror. After that trip, I always bring the DSLR, a tripod, and a remote.
- I’ve owned it long enough to go from short blond hair to long red hair to short brown-ish hair.
- It’s been to Cincinnati, Orlando, Minneapolis, Kansas City, San Francisco and Sacramento.

With this much history, how could I let it go?


  1. it would be fun to know, from your own perspective, which outfits fall into the "cringe" bucket and which still set your heart afire. :)

  2. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I was also wondering your top three cringe-worthy and your top three all-stars.

    I think the dress is gorgeous and the colors are always becoming of you.

  3. I really like outfits 6 (olive jacket and scarf), 26 (black and white buffalo check tunic underneath), 29 (mural in the background) and 34 (leopard shirt and coral bag).
    I'm not crazy about 7 (plum shirt on top), 11 (striped jacket and yellow bag), and 24 (green sweater and leopard obi).

  4. Glad you kept it.
    I think it's got at least 20 more wears.

  5. This is really evidence of your TRUE style; the ability to constantly change the look of this dress! Kudos to you~xoxo

  6. The best thing about this dress is how flexible you've made it. You listed your favorite iterations, and I don't think any of those are in my top 5. (I like #2 (old deck), #10 (sunroom), #19 (hotel bathroom?), #27 (Spring Grove), and #36 (Green sleeveless).

    The fact that there's such a diversity that everyone can have their own favorites shows how great a dress it is. (and of course your skill at styling it).

  7. No not that dress! When I first saw the dress here (maybe four years ago?) I fell in love and tracked it down then bought it for myself. I had read your blog for a while the but it was the first time I ever did that. I thought I was such hot stuff because I bought the same dress as you, maybe I'm selfish but it would break my heart to see it go!


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